The Pitbull dance party

This week, I must confess, the quote you’re soon to hear is not entirely out of context. See, I wasn’t quite part of the conversation, but it was among some of my friends and happening right next to week. But the thing is, it’s a great segway into my newfound love at the IM building: power remix. We’ll save that gem for later though, for now let me just tell you a little bit about the day my friend Lexi had me in stitches.


Lexi goes to power remix multiple times every week, and is really, really good at it. As in, I’m pretty sure she could teach a class now, so if she becomes a trained fitness instructor one day, her class will be at max capacity every single time. Now if you don’t know what power remix is, Penn State Student Affairs describes it as “dance party meets workout,” and I couldn’t agree more. Despite it being fun for all, however, you’ll probably notice immediately that Power Remix classes are pretty heavily populated by girls. But that did not stop Lexi from encouraging all of our friends, guys included, to join her one day. She then let us know that she stands up front, much to the chagrin of our friends Drew, Thomas, and Brendan. But it wasn’t until she informed them that they could stand in the back even if she was up front that she dropped this:


“I mean, I’ll be there, but you don’t have to act like you know me”


Of course she was joking, but it was hilarious nonetheless. And honestly, I wouldn’t blame her even if she wasn’t joking because after attending just one class, I would not want anyone to mess up my power remix vibes either. I can’t believe it took me until second semester to see that power remix is pretty much the best workout class that one could ever take. Basically you get to have a ton of fun, dance, listen to upbeat music (Pitbull if you’re lucky) and workout all at the same time. I could go on and on about this one of a kind fitness class, but I’ll spare you unlike my friends who had to listen to me singing its praises. If you make sure to do one thing before you leave Penn State, I 100% say it should be attending a Power Remix class, because you’ll never want to leave!

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