Transferrable Skills

I am interested in pursuing a career in investment banking or financial management. My O*Net Interest Profile suggests that I am Investigative, Social, and Enterprising. As an investigative person, I like to search for facts and solve problems. I also have social interests; I enjoy working with others, teaching, giving advice, and being of service.   As someone with enterprising interests, I like to take action, start-up, and carry out business projects. I enjoy negotiating, persuading, leading people, making decisions, and taking risks. Since I am very interested in helping others, careers that match my interests include loan counseling and personal financial advising.

Top 5 Transferrable skills:

  1. Ability to Work in a Team
    • Motivating
    • Teaching
    • Setting Goals
    • Advocating
  2. Written Communication Skills
    • Writing Concisely
    • Organizing
  3. Problem-Solving Skills
    • Solving Problems
  4. Verbal Communication Skills
    • Negotiating
  5. Analytical/Quantitative Skills
    • Calculating & Computing
    • Analyzing Data

I work very well in a team, as I like to motivate, teach, and learn in a group setting. I am a social person; I enjoy working with people and advocating for them. I have worked very hard at developing my verbal communication skills and enjoy negotiating to solve problems in a mutually beneficial way.

I have always set goals for myself, both personally and professionally. I feel that it is crucial to have a specific goal to work towards so that I utilize my skills to the fullest extent.

As an analytical person, I am very organized and write clearly and concisely. I enjoy investigating, analyzing data, calculating, and computing to solve complex problems. I also have a strong work ethic and am very reliable.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator & Work Values Inventory


Introvert (19%) Sensing (3%) Thinking (6%) Judging (31%)


This personality type indicates that I am a thorough and dependable employee. I am also practical, realistic, and very responsible. I like things organized, plan things well in advance, and am self-motivated. I take deadlines seriously and can work both on a team or independently. I prefer a stable, organized, quiet work environment.

Introvert- I am more reserved and less outgoing and am comfortable doing things on my own. However, I still work well on a team with defined rules and roles.

Sensing- I am very realistic and prefer to base my decisions on facts. I am very detail oriented.

Thinking- I enjoy more technical or analytical fields of study where I can seek a logical explanation or solution to almost everything. I often make pro/con lists when making a decision to come to a logical conclusion.

Judging-  I plan and prioritize tasks by making lists. I do not procrastinate and always finish my work before enjoying downtime.  I plan well in advance to avoid rushing to meet a deadline; this also prevents unnecessary stress.

Work Values Inventory

The values that I consider most important in my work are:

  1. Way of Life
  2. Altruism
  3. Economic Return
  4. Achievement
  5. Supervisory Relationships

Way of Life-Being able to live the kind of life I chose or be the type of person I want to be is essential to me. While I do love to travel, I prefer a job that does not require heavy traveling as I want to be present for my family.

Altruism-It is also important to me to have a job where I contribute something beneficial to society. Working for a company with an excellent CSR reputation is vital to me. I want to enjoy what I do while also making a difference in the world.

Economic Return- Finding a job that pays well is crucial so that I can become more financially independent. While I am realistic in my expectations, it is imperative that I find a job that provides fair pay.

Achievement- It is essential for me to have a career where I can feel a sense of accomplishment. I would like to have a job that allows for upward movement in the company to feel a sense of accomplishment.

Supervisory Relationships- I have always had excellent relationships with past supervisors.  It is essential for me to have a fair, respectful supervisor so that I can build a mutually beneficial relationship with that person. This allows for open communication and a more productive work environment.

About Me

My name is Brittany Geber; I am a senior at Pennsylvania State University. I will be graduating in December 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in business with a concentration in financial services. I am also a graduate of the Art Institute of Virginia Beach with a degree in baking and pastry. I have over nine years of progressive experience in the baking and pastry field.

When I’m not busy doing homework or baking, I am traveling throughout Europe. I currently live in Germany with my husband and 12-year old son.  I love learning about new cultures, trying new foods, and taking cooking and baking classes all over the world.

Upon graduation, I hope to begin a career in financial management. As I am looking to begin a career in an entirely different industry, I am particularly interested in developing a new electronic portfolio that will highlight significant coursework, projects, and experience to showcase my understanding of finance.  I believe this will show employers that I have acquired the skills necessary to work in the financial services industry.