About Me

My name is Brittany Geber; I am a senior at Pennsylvania State University. I will be graduating in December 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in business with a concentration in financial services. I am also a graduate of the Art Institute of Virginia Beach with a degree in baking and pastry. I have over nine years of progressive experience in the baking and pastry field.

When I’m not busy doing homework or baking, I am traveling throughout Europe. I currently live in Germany with my husband and 12-year old son.  I love learning about new cultures, trying new foods, and taking cooking and baking classes all over the world.

Upon graduation, I hope to begin a career in financial management. As I am looking to begin a career in an entirely different industry, I am particularly interested in developing a new electronic portfolio that will highlight significant coursework, projects, and experience to showcase my understanding of finance.  I believe this will show employers that I have acquired the skills necessary to work in the financial services industry.


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