This semester, I want to shift the focus of my blog. Last semester, I wrote about misrepresentation of women in the media, and while that was enjoyable to cover, I want to do something a bit more uplifting this semester. So, I’ve decided to talk about a different TV show/movie each week that I think carries an important and relevant message.
For my first post, I’ve decided to discuss a show that is immensely popular in my generation and is sweeping the internet at the moment: Euphoria. Euphoria (for those who are unfamiliar) is a controversial high school drama that covers “teenagers” interactions with drugs, relationships, and mental health disorders. The show in and of itself is a complete exaggeration of actual high school life, but the exaggeration is what makes it so enticing. Not to mention its incredible cinematography, costumes, makeup, and soundtrack.
Many people say that Euphoria glamorizes drugs. For context, the main character, Rue, is a drug addict who is rarely sober, and the show is explained through her narration. In my opinion, the show does focus on the “good parts” of doing drugs, but as an older viewer (whom the show was intended for), I see through the glamorization to see the horrible effects drugs can have on someone’s life, and their loved ones.
Euphoria carries many important messages throughout its storylines, including the negative effects of drugs. It also covers sexual identity issues, mental health struggles (which when told from Rue’s perspective are enlightening since she has Bipolar disorder), toxic masculinity, body image and self confidence issues, dysfunctional families, and many many more. The show touches upon almost every issue a teenager could possibly face in today’s society which is why I think the show is so successful–no one feels alone after watching it.
If you’re considering watching the show after reading this I do want to warn you however, because it is frequently graphic. I think this show resonates with teenagers because of its strong, outlandish, and necessary messages, and in my opinion it is one of the best shows on air today.