Love is Blind

Hello! Welcome back to my blog where each week I talk about a different TV show/movie I think carries an important message. This week I decided to cover the Netflix reality TV show Love is Blind. Love is Blind has two seasons, and is immensely popular due to its unique and relevant spin on the typical dating show. 

Love is Blind brings single men and women together to participate in a “love experiment” in which people go on blind–like actually blind–speed dates. The men and women meet each other in two separate rooms, and gauge their compatibility purely through conversation. The “experiment” is meant to test if love is blind (hence the title), meaning–can two people fall in love without actually meeting each other physically?

The show takes it a step further with, in my opinion, cringy reality show requirements like having to be engaged before they meet each other in person, and get married only four weeks after that. I do understand why they decided to do this because it makes the show *very* dramatic and interesting in the latter half. 

Despite the typical reality show elements, Love is Blind carries the important message of loving someone for their internal self, rather than their external appearance or status. The show demonstrates the unique ability for humans to bond through emotional connections, and how those connections can turn into love. Love is Blind challenges today’s societal standards–that looks carry more meaning now than they ever have before. With the invention of dating apps, and the prevalence of social media, oftentimes emotional connections are absent when initially forming a relationship. The show offers an experience that combats the effects of society today, by taking physical looks away, and letting the contestants fall in love with each other’s character. 

Love is Blind is a great show for two reasons:

  1. It’s extremely entertaining to watch new couples go from meeting each other to getting married in a matter of four weeks
  2. The show has a great message–it reminds us how valuable an emotional connection is in the midst of today’s superficial dating environment

I highly recommend!

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