
Hello! Welcome back to my blog where each week I talk about a different TV show/movie I think carries an important message. This week, I’ve decided to cover the HBO show titled “Girls”. Girls stars, and was created by Lena Dunham. 

Girls follows the lives of 4 friends in their early twenties as they graduate from college and face the “real world” in New York City. Each character has unique and individual personalities, goals, struggles, and successes throughout the show’s 6 seasons. The main character (played by Lena Dunham) is Hannah, who is an outspoken writer with writers block. Marnie, is straight and narrow with stability in her job and love life. Jessa is an adventure seeking bohemian that only lives in the moment. Shoshanna is an innocent fashion-lover that seeks new experiences. In combination, all of these girls go through pretty much everything you can go through as a young adult, and the story (told by Lena) is hilariously real. 

I decided to focus on Girls this week, because never have I ever encountered a television show that unapologetically addressed women’s issues like this one. Watching the show made me feel represented and comfortable in my own skin and experiences. Oftentimes in media, the gory details are left out. As a young female adult I want to watch television that I can really truly relate to, and Girls gives me that. Many critics say that Lena Dunham singlehandedly altered the “rules” of television. She took her personal struggles to TV, and let the world relate.

I remember when I came to college and was becoming closer with my (now) best friends, I felt like I was in an episode of Girls. The show does an amazing job of embodying what it feels like to be able to express yourself free of judgement, as the characters in Girls do so. 

If you want to watch Girls, I do warn you, nothing about the female experience will be censored. But that is what makes it awesome.

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