I have been writing about movies and television shows all year. So, for my last passion blog assignment, I wanted to write about why film is so important to me.
My dad grew up in a stern household where hard work was prioritized. He was taught that if he wanted things in life he would have to earn them. So, he took over the family business and grew it far beyond what my grandpa had ever imagined. However, the business’s success did not come easily. For decades, my dad spent long 12 hour days at the warehouse learning and earning his position that he assumes now. He doesn’t like his job, but he says he does it for us (my mom, my sister, and I).
Now, he goes to work every day at a job he doesn’t like, and comes home to watch movies and TV. While he doesn’t love his work, he absolutely loves film. Sometimes I question if he loves it more than me and my sister. He spends almost every hour of his free time in front of the screen–watching whatever new series or movie has hit the streaming services. On the weekends, he goes to the theater to see movie premieres. His conversations are rarely had without a movie reference that no one understands.
As you can probably piece together at this point–I got my love of film from my dad. Ever since he forced me to sit through the classics as a kid, I’ve loved movies. We connect through film.
As I’ve grown up, I’ve gotten busier and busier and he’s gotten older and older. Now, our form of quality time together is spent watching movies and TV. Our relationship is not always smooth, but we always have that hobby in common when one of us needs to extend an olive branch. Film means more to me than just a plot and attractive actors. To me, it represents my connection with my dad, who worked so hard to give my sister and I a life he didn’t have.