Candidate Message to the community
Jumman Al Jawad Dear all proud members of BSA-PSU community,

Assalamu Alaikum. In the next BSA-PSU executive committee election, I, Jumman Al Jawad, a graduate student from the ME department of our beloved Penn State university, am standing for two of the major positions (Treasurer and General Secretary). And to be an essential member of the eventually elected panel, my agenda is very simple yet coherent.

People like us, who have moved thousands of miles away from all our loved ones, want nothing more than to spend quality time with the community, be it in the form of short weekend party or grand cultural event. I truly believe in actively contributing for financial management or administrative planning as a team for this greater community so we all may celebrate a remarkable year ahead with significant number of social activities resulting in lots of sweet memories to make our grad life here as much stress-free as we can.

Regardless of the outcome, I always will be committed to serving the BSA-PSU community with firm ethics and integrity. Happy voting!

Md Arifur Rahman Sarker Greetings, BSA members! I am Md Arifur Rahman Sarker, a doctoral student in Electrical Engineering at PSU. Since joining PSU in January 2022, my wife and I have been embraced by the BSA community and found a second family within this incredible BSA community. As a member, I have actively participated in cultural and sports events; and assisted in organizing activities. Recognizing the impact of BSA in fostering unity and promoting our culture, I am motivated to contribute further from a leadership position. I express heartfelt gratitude to those who have nominated me for ‘Treasurer and Vice President’. With a commitment to unity, cultural celebration, and inclusivity, I aim to strengthen our community, organize engaging events, and offer unwavering support to the members. Collaboration and teamwork are at the heart of my vision, and together, we can create a more influential BSA that uplifts its members and leaves a lasting impact on the broader community. Your support and trust are greatly appreciated. I am excited to serve you and promise to dedicate my time, energy, and abilities to fulfill these roles to the best of my capacity. Thank you for your consideration and please vote for me for the Treasurer and Vice President position.

Best regards
Md Arifur Rahman Sarker

Shahin Alam Shuvo I am Shahin Alam Shuvo, third-year graduate student in Agricultural and Biological Engineering. My belief in action over words fuels my dedication to serve as your President. If elected, I will prioritize addressing the genuine issues faced by all students. This includes ensuring new students never struggle with grocery shopping by establishing ride-sharing programs and comprehensive orientation initiatives. I understand the initial sense of isolation experienced by incoming students, and I will connect them with international platforms to make friendships and alleviate this feeling. I firmly believe that by fostering a sense of togetherness, we can collectively overcome challenges and celebrate our successes. With my experience as the convenor of BSA at Ball State University, President of the Dhaka Based Rangpur Student Association, founder of GRE Group Study with a current member of 132.7k and involvement in various Penn State organizations, I bring valuable leadership skills. Together, we will create a supportive and vibrant BSA community. Your support and trust are greatly appreciated.
Tanveer Ahmed Hi, I’m Tanveer. A going-to-be third year PhD. student at the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Since fall’21, I have been actively involved in both the Bangladeshi and the greater Penn State community. I initially joined the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) and have served as a delegate of the College of Engineering and later as chair of the Student Engagement committee where I led a team of delegates to put together a range of events to engage students and other members of the community. Since Fall 2022, I served as President of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) student chapter at Penn State which is a professional body for researchers and professionals in the transportation engineering discipline. Over the past couple of years, I have worked closely with HUB event management, UPAC, ASA, The Graduate School, and external organizations to plan, fund and execute a number of events. I am a team player, and my ideology is to lead by example. BSA has grown into a large student organization and my vision is to promote a sense of inclusiveness among the members, especially newcomers.

With the right team, I believe I can “MAKE BSA GREAT AGAIN”! 😀

Nahida Akter My name is Nahida Akter, and I am a registered Nurse and a third-year Ph.D. student at Penn State University (PSU). I am also proud to be the wife of another Ph.D. student at PSU. I consider myself an alpha woman, and there are several reasons behind it. Despite facing numerous obstacles, I have persevered in pursuing my ambition for higher education, thanks to the unwavering support of my parents. Today, I stand before you as a deserving candidate for the role of General Secretary (GS) in the Bangladesh Student Association (BSA) at PSU.

So, why do I deserve this role? There are several reasons. Firstly, I have served as President, Vice-President, and General Secretary in various national and international associations for the past 13 years. My international leadership certificates have equipped me with the skills necessary to be an effective leader, fostering collaboration and teamwork among diverse individuals. A recent example of my leadership success is my work as the General Secretary of BSA last year.

Secondly, my passion lies in working with people. My profession as a nurse has instilled in me a deep sense of responsibility and a desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives. I believe that leaders who possess empathy and compassion can truly make a difference. From this perspective, I place myself at the forefront of leadership.

Lastly, based on my previous experience working with BSA, I have identified areas that require improvement. As the General Secretary, I am confident that I can address these gaps and contribute to the betterment of the BSA community in the coming year.

With your support and trust, we can work together to create a stronger and more inclusive BSA community. Thank you for considering my nomination.

Md Amit Hasan Arovi Greetings everyone! I hope you’re all having a great summer! My name is Md Amit Hasan Arovi, and I’m thrilled to be a candidate for not just one but three exciting positions in the BSA @ Penn State Executive Committee. I joined the prestigious Penn State as a PhD student in the fall of 2022, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering, and I’ve been selected to run for the posts of General Secretary, Sports Secretary, and Web Coordinator.

As a candidate for the position of General Secretary, I am driven by a deep commitment to effective communication, organization, and teamwork. I firmly believe that clear and open lines of communication are the lifeblood of any successful organization. As a candidate, I will strive to streamline and enhance the flow of information within the BSA @ Penn State, ensuring that your voices are heard and your ideas are implemented. Furthermore, I will try to ensure efficient communication and coordination among the committee members, fostering a cohesive and well-organized team. I am committed to upholding the values and vision of the BSA, and I will work diligently to address the needs and concerns of our members.

Now, let’s talk about sports! As a candidate for Sports Secretary, I believe in the power of sports to bring people together and create a sense of unity within our community. I will actively organize sports events and initiatives that cater to diverse interests and skill levels, providing opportunities for everyone to participate and engage in a friendly and supportive environment. I look forward to organizing exciting sports events that inspire healthy competition, teamwork, and, most importantly, fun!

In this digital age, a strong online presence is essential. As the Web Coordinator, I will utilize my technical expertise to revamp and elevate the BSA @ Penn State’s digital platform. I envision a website that not only informs and engages but also reflects the vibrant and diverse nature of our community. Regular updates, visually appealing design, and user-friendly navigation will be my top priorities, ensuring that you have easy access to valuable resources, event information, and opportunities for growth.

With your endorsement and trust, I am confident that we can bring about positive change, create unforgettable experiences, and build an even stronger BSA community at Penn State. Let’s embark on this incredible journey together, fueled by passion, collaboration, and the unwavering belief that we can make a difference. Together, we will build an inclusive and supportive environment where every member of the BSA @ Penn State feels valued, empowered, and inspired. Thank you for considering me, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve you as a member of the BSA @ Penn State Executive Committee. May the benevolent protection of Allah encompass and safeguard each and every one of us. Thanks again. #WeAre

Ahmed Nirjhar Alam Greetings all! I am a third-year PhD student in the Material Science and Engineering Department at PSU. One of the great blessings of my life here at State College has been the vibrant and supportive Bangladeshi Student community at Penn State. I realize that such a community did not develop overnight. It took the dedicated and sustained efforts of numerous members of the Bangladeshi community to build such a strong sense of belonging so far away from home. By standing for this role, I wish to contribute towards this continuing effort and hopefully benefit others as I myself have benefited over the past two years.
Nusrat Tabassum I am Nusrat Tabassum, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Architecture at Penn State. With a deep commitment to serving the community, I bring a strong work ethic, dependability, and enthusiasm to the table. Throughout my journey as a graduate student, I have actively contributed to BSA, volunteering in various events and being recognized for my dedication. I am driven by a deep love for our rich Bangladeshi culture and a strong desire to promote it on an international platform.
With my strong organizational skills, love for community, and ability to lift spirits, I believe I embody the qualities of a true leader. My approachable nature and empathetic disposition enable me to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that everyone’s needs and perspectives are valued. Your vote for me as the General Secretary will enable me to continue making a positive impact and representing your interests effectively. Together, we can create an association that flourishes, fosters unity, and proudly showcases the beauty and uniqueness of our culture to the world.
Snigdha Shiuly Tikader Greetings, I’m Snigdha, a first-year PhD student in the Mechanical Engineering department at Penn State. I chose Penn State not only for its esteemed rank in ME but also because of my fascination with the vibrant BSA community here. Growing up in a cultural environment, I actively participated in numerous cultural activities throughout my schooling, college, and university years. I distinctly remember Dr. Zafar Iqbal’s visit to our school where he stated, “While academic studies have a value of 1, each extracurricular activity adds a value of 0. By adding more zeros after that 1, every zero increases your worth tenfold.” This philosophy has motivated me for years, leading me to engage in singing, dancing, acting, and photography. Additionally, I have served on the executive committees of various clubs in the past.
Drawing upon my extensive experience and passion for cultural activities, I believe that I am a suitable candidate for the position of Cultural Secretary in the BSA executive committee. My objective is to enhance the cultural vibrancy of the BSA community and organize a spectacular BSA night next year, where everyone can participate in some form of activity. I firmly believe that everyone possesses hidden talents that are yet to be discovered, and they simply need a little encouragement to unlock their potential. I am here to provide that support and inspiration.
Pramit Ghosh Dear Members,
I’m Pramit Ghosh, a first-year Ph.D. Student from mechanical engineering department. With utmost humility and a deep sense of purpose, I present myself as a candidate for the position of Treasurer within BSA-PSU. I am driven by a strong commitment to transparency, accountability, and prudent financial decision-making to effectively manage BSA’s finances. If entrusted with this responsibility, I promise to safeguard our financial stability, optimize resource allocation, and enhance our financial systems. With open communication and a collaborative approach, I aim to foster an environment of fiscal responsibility that aligns with our organization’s goals.
I respectfully seek your support and vote to contribute to BSA’s continued growth and success.
Farshid Reza Before coming here at PennState, one of the biggest challenges I faced was to secure a place to stay. The apartments gets overflowed every year and new students falls into dilemma. After coming here, I saw that there are plenty of other ways to secure apartments which may reduce the extreme pressure of everything before coming to PSU. Spreading information and knowledge will make the community a better home!
Emdadul Haque Chowdhury Greetings BSA @Penn State community,

My name is Emdadul Haque Chowdhury, and I am humbled to stand as a candidate for the positions of Web Coordinator and Treasurer. I am passionate about serving our Bangladeshi student community, and if given the opportunity, I pledge to strive for the betterment of our association, leveraging my abilities to fulfill the responsibilities effectively.

In my capacity as Web Coordinator, I will work towards improving the digital presence of BSA @Penn State. Through user-friendly website design and effective online communication, I aim to ensure every member of our community is well-informed and connected, bridging any gaps in accessibility.

As Treasurer, I will apply a meticulous, transparent, and ethical approach to managing our funds. I am committed to fiscal responsibility, providing thorough and clear financial reports, and advocating for the most beneficial and strategic use of our resources to serve the interests of all members.

My ideology is rooted in inclusivity, respect, and collaboration. I understand and appreciate the diverse perspectives within our community, recognizing that each member brings unique experiences and values. I believe our strength lies in this diversity, and as your representative, I promise to respect every voice, striving for an environment where everyone feels heard, included, and valued.

It’s with your support that we can cultivate an even stronger, vibrant community that upholds our cultural heritage while fostering growth and unity at Penn State. I kindly ask for your vote, and together, we can ensure the continuous betterment of BSA @Penn State.

Thank you for your consideration.

Tasneem Tariq Dear all,

Today, I would like to share my vision and election manifesto as a candidate for the esteemed position of President of the Bangladeshi Student Association at Penn State University.

My name is Tasneem Tariq, and as many of you know, I am a second-year PhD student in Architecture, an assistant professor at BUET, and a researcher. With great enthusiasm and dedication, I present myself as a candidate for this esteemed role. I believe my year-long expertise in leadership, administrative work, and community service make me a well-informed candidate for the BSA presidency, where I aim to promote community engagement as well as academic and professional growth.

Before I delve into my election manifesto, allow me to introduce myself further. With over 12 years of experience as a faculty member and involvement in 31 national and international organizations, I have gained valuable insights and skills that will enable me to lead with passion, energy, and strategic thinking. Additionally, I have had the privilege of contributing to significant initiatives, including serving as a Graduate representative to the Advisory board of Architecture, PSU (2023), Treasurer of BSA (2022), International Global Leader, PSU (2022), the Vice-President of GRID, Department of Architecture, Penn State (2021), and an Executive member of Teachers’ association, BUET (2019).

Now, let us explore my election manifesto, which outlines the vision and goals I aim to achieve if entrusted with the role of President:

1. Creating an Active Network with Bangladeshi PSU Alumni:
Networking plays a vital role in personal and professional growth. I recognize the immense value of connecting with our Bangladeshi alumni who have transitioned from student life to successful professionals. I propose establishing a dedicated Facebook group and database where alumni can engage and share their experiences and insights. By leveraging their knowledge and expertise, we can better prepare ourselves for a successful transition from student life to the professional world. As President, I will actively encourage interaction between our current and past members allowing us to tap into a wealth of knowledge, experiences, and opportunities. It will also foster a sense of pride and encourage support and mentorship.

2. Social Media Platform Showcasing BSA-PSU Members’ Accomplishments:
I will prioritize maintaining a database that captures the achievements and progress of our community members. I aim to create a vibrant social media platform emphasizing our academic, cultural, and sports-related involvements and triumphs. This platform will enable us to share and enlighten the global community about the diverse talents of the Bangladeshi people.

3. Engaging and Inclusive Bangladeshi Family at State College:
Our community has grown significantly, and it is crucial that we foster a sense of unity, belonging, and pride. I am dedicated to representing our rich culture internally, highlighting our traditions, values, and heritage with honor and respect. I envision a more engaging and inclusive Bangladeshi family within the State College community. Together, we will embark on a journey to create a welcoming environment where every member feels a sense of belonging and connection. I will strive to create platforms for open dialogue to discuss our ideas, concerns, and aspirations, leading to a stronger, united community.

4. Career-Building Workshops:
Education and professional development are also key pillars of my platform. I aim to establish mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and career-building workshops to empower our members to excel academically and professionally. Workshops will be organized, allowing alumni to provide guidance on various aspects, such as the job market and other pertinent issues. By leveraging the collective expertise and experiences within our community, we can create a supportive environment for personal growth and success.

5. Manual for Smoother Transition for the New Students:
The journey of arriving in the United States from Bangladesh can be overwhelming and the smooth integration of new members into our community is crucial. To support our incoming students, I intend to create a comprehensive manual that provides vital information and guidance even before they arrive. This manual will cover essential aspects such as flights, accommodation, banking, phone operator, internet options, halal food options, healthcare facilities, and local places of interest. Additionally, I propose hosting a workshop where new students can ask questions and receive guidance, ensuring a smoother adjustment to their new environment.

6. Bangladeshi Food Festival:
Our cuisine is renowned for its exquisite flavors and culinary artistry. I propose organizing a Bangladeshi Food Festival, where people from all walks of life will have the opportunity to savor our authentic home-cooked delicacies. This festival will be a celebration of our thousand-year-old culinary heritage, offering a gateway for others to experience the richness of our food culture.

7. Vibrant Bangladeshi Event Festivals:
Our festivals hold a special place in our hearts, and I aim to make them even more vibrant and engaging. Through meticulous planning and collaboration, we can organize events that showcase the beauty, vibrancy, and cultural richness of our traditions. These festivals will serve as a platform for our community to come together, strengthen bonds, and share our heritage with the broader Penn State community. From traditional festivals to intellectual discussions, we will showcase the beauty and depth of our Bangladeshi identity. Through these endeavors, we can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for our roots while also sharing our culture with the wider community.
By collaborating with other student organizations and engaging with the wider Penn State community, we can create memorable and inclusive events that enrich the campus experience for everyone.

8. Promoting Bangladeshi Intellectual Contributions at Penn State:
Organizing seminars to showcase the academic achievements of Bangladeshi individuals, fostering a sense of connection and knowledge exchange among our post-graduate community. This initiative aims to create a platform where we can familiarize ourselves with each other’s work and collaborate effectively when the needed.

9. Workshops for Professional Skills and Knowledge:
Workshops will be organized to provide valuable skills and knowledge to our members. These workshops can cover a wide range of topics, including professional development, cultural awareness, leadership, and personal growth. By equipping our community with the tools they need to succeed, we can empower individuals to make a meaningful impact both during their time at Penn State and beyond.

10. Embracing Philanthropic Works:
Lastly, I deeply recognize the significance of community service and the act of giving back. As President, my unwavering commitment lies to create opportunities so that our members can take an active part in philanthropic endeavors that not only benefit our immediate local community but also make a difference in our lives, as these contributions hold immense value and are highly regarded in various job positions. Whether it entails volunteering at local shelters or collaborating with fellow student organizations, we will diligently strive to create a positive impact that extends far beyond the confines of our campus.

I would like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for your tremendous support in performing my duties of the Treasurer (BSA) over the last one year. Your unwavering faith in my abilities and your encouragement have been the driving force behind my decision to run for this prestigious role. Your trust humbles me, and I promise to dedicate myself wholeheartedly to serving our community with passion, energy, and hard work.
In conclusion, I express my sincere gratitude for considering me as a candidate for the position of President. I am committed to working tirelessly to create an inclusive and engaging community, showcasing our culture, providing essential support to new students, organizing vibrant events, and establishing valuable connections with our alumni.
With your trust and support, we can transform dreams into reality and make our Bangladeshi community shine brightly within the State College landscape.

Tasneem Tariq

Together, let us forge a stronger, more united Bangladeshi community, leaving a lasting impact on our university and beyond.