Extra Credit #2

On November 11th, I also hosted a virtual redistricting event which surrounded the topic of map drawing. This was the first map drawing event I hosted and it was quite nerve wrecking. Through my internship, Redistricting Fellows, I had to host a map drawing event as a part of my requirements of the fellowship. I had a goal/requirement of getting 25 people to draw community of interest maps, and I did not know how I would get that many people to create these maps because I did not even know 25 people at the time. I worked with Michael and Nevaya to coordinate this event as well as our second redistricting/map drawing event which was a week later.

We pushed this event the best we could to the RCL classes as well as well as to other organizations and clubs such as Black Caucus. Nevaya pushed the event to her math class since they were doing a lesson on redistricting, and we also posted about it on different social media sites. During the event, Nevaya, Mikey, and I broke up the roles: Nevaya spoke for the majority of the event, I shared my screen, and Mikey posted links in the chat. We did a walk through of what the event was, its significance, and how to draw a map.

This event made me feel like I was an important factor in my state’s redistricting process, because I was able to educate other students on a very critical, yet hidden democratic process. Many do not know about how redistricting effects us constituents. It is imperative we inform people, specifically college students since we are targeted most, about redistricting and the components of it such as map drawing, testifying at hearings, and more. I really enjoyed hosting this event as well as the second event we had the following week. I would love to do more in the near future and this was definitely a great learning and teaching experience.

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