As our blog posts come to an end, I just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to read over my passions, civic issues, and more. I appreciate all of your meaningful comments and respectful views. For my last civic issues post, I wanted to slightly discuss the conclusion I came to for my Advocacy Project, and how I plan to incorporate all of my hard work in RCL to my life outside of academics.
My advocacy project will discuss the individual actions one can take to help minimize the rates of infant mortality within the black community. After having Professor Freymiller review my RCL5 post, he acknowledged the fact that IMR is perhaps the lesser-known of the two issues I was stuck between. Due to this, I felt it as my duty to be an advocate for this issue. I hope that the results of my project are highly impressive and they hit every component of a successful “advocacy project”, because this topic is one I am very passionate about.
Since RCL was a year-long course, I was able to experience many things and learn valuable material that I can, and hope to, implement into my future plans. The aspects of public speaking can be incorporated into my future profession: becoming a lawyer. This skill can be most beneficial when working on advocacy related projects, such as defending my client and getting them the justice they deserve. The intense writing we have done this semester has taught me howe to better articulate ideas and ultimately become an even better writer than I was before. All of our unit projects have taught me how to deeply analyze, understand, and apply given information to real world problems. My problem solving skills have been enhanced as a result, and this will help me thrive as a leader socially, personally, and more.
I want to end this blog by thanking you guys again, as well as both of my wonderful RCL professors. You guys have made this experience a great one and I am so glad I was able to work with and get to know you all. I hope all of you achieve you goals and reach all of your endeavors prosperously. Take care!