2.2 Exercise Reflections

2.2.1 Gestalt Praxis

Gestalt’s Theory talks about symmetry and asymmetry of many different things which is the balance of either the x axis or the y axis shows similar features on either side of the picture. The thing about this assignment is the creation of each structure to make sure that they are aligned, straight, and of course symmetrical to the counter parts on the other side of the structure. Symmetry puts its main focus on both the x and y axis which are the lines of origin that should be the main focus of the assignment. The line of the x and y axis exist but the lines are invisible for the naked eye to see.

2.2.2 Grid Systems

Grids are considered a structural model when it comes to start brainstorming or working on assignment. The origin of the grid was originally used for art movement but now a days it used as a way to measure out things properly. Along with using rulers and guidelines it has made it easier for people who use things like Illustrator to create things artworks, but they are also available for other applications that artists use for projects that they create and work on day in and day out. Before reading about grids I though they would be more of thing that the military would use to locate anybody that they would deem as a potential enemy. But to know that they use it for art it is a useful tool that they have which would be considered the best.

2.2.3 Drawing with Type

When hearing the word type I thought of typing on a keyboard but the true meaning of it is in terms of a digital artist it would involve the use of different kinds of fonts which means font styles and font size. This work involves me using my initials and using these techniques from this page and creating some sort of logo for myself I might use it. After reading all of this I know more about the importance of the use of Fonts in a project whether it is a writing project or art project it is something that everybody should use.

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