4.3.3 Design Final: Exquisite Corpse Round Robin
From the beginning of the of the project it had started out as simple scanning of my favorite items but then it turned into a nice artwork at the end of it. It was fun doing the round robin during those two weeks and I do hope that the two that I added into came out really well in the end because I just did some simple images. For mine in the end the two people that did mine did add some good elements into the scan and it gave me an idea of the kind of elements that I could use for the editing of the project in the end. Even though there wasn’t too much to cover I still wanted it to turn out in to some thing that I think I will be satisfied in the end. So after doing some editing of the photo I was surprised at the end result of the editing I know that there are empty spaces but I think that it leaves some sort of opening to enhance the picture even more. At its current state I think that the pictures that were added in gave it a sense of culture with the elements included.