Build an Adult-Sized Pillow/Blanket Fort



Remember how awesome it was when you used to strip all of the couches and beds in your house to create the best fort of all time?  Well I miss doing that!  I think it is high time that I build myself a fort to end all forts.  With my matured and more creative mind, imagine the possibilities for what amazingness could be built.

The possibilities of what could be done in the fort are also endless.  As long as there is plenty of room for activities, I know I’ll have a great time.  The best thing to do in a fort though is to just sit and proudly rule over the private dominion you’ve created.

Some of my fondest memories as a child are of building forts, and I am quite disappointed in myself that I have not made one in a very long time.  And when I say “Adult-Sized” fort, I mean a HUGE fort, so it is bound to be amazing.  If you’re ever looking for how to have a good time, just look back at what you loved to do as a kid, and I guarantee you’ll have a blast.  Admit it, you knew how to have fun as a kid.

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5 Responses to Build an Adult-Sized Pillow/Blanket Fort

  1. Pingback: How to make your day more fun - Life is good

  2. Alex Schilken says:

    I loved doing this as a kid, and I don’t know why I haven’t made one since I was little. Making a fort would be so much fun, especially if some of my friends joined. Definitely a great idea for a fun night!!

  3. Caitlyn Grotz says:

    I would definitely be up for the challenge! Let me know if one day you feel like building a fort and I will happily help. This brings back some good memories for me as well. I used to make forts when I had sleepovers with my nieces and nephews and they absolutely loved it! I think it is going to be so funny to have college students building a fort. This was a great last post for you. 🙂

  4. Kelsey Eagan says:

    I love making forts, and I definitely will try to make the biggest fort I can this summer. I have a loft bed with a couch and TV underneath so I always hang my blankets over it and make a small fort in my dorm!

  5. Julia Collins says:

    I made one of these this summer, and I honestly loved it! it was so fun and comfy! this is adorable that want to do this and you should! its fun to watch movies and eat food in it too! Fun thing to do, good post!

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