Why Should You Get A Dog

I have loved writing this blog all year and being able to educate you all on the multiple types of dogs and different dog facts as well. If it has not been made clear already after all of my posts, I love dogs. I think that dogs are such an important part of life and that everyone should be able to experience life with a dog. I know that some people might be afraid of dogs but that is why there are so many different breeds to choose from; you can pick a dog based on your own preferences, needs, and desires which is so awesome. Every dog breed has a different type of personality so you are able to pick a calmer breed or a more excited breed if you want.

I am not just encouraging you all to get a dog because I love them, it has actually been proven that dogs are actually good for your own health. For example, the American Heart Association found that owning a dog can actually reduce the risk of getting cardiovascular disease. Another American Heart Association study found that dog owners who receive support from their puppers actually have lower blood pressure brought on by mental stress. Maybe it is due to taking your dog on walks or maybe it is due to the fact that your heart gets ten times bigger with the love you have for your dog, who knows? Aside from being good for physical health, there is also evidence that shows that dogs are linked to the reduction of anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. This goes along with pet therapy and how dogs are used in hospitals for patients, for people undergoing chemotherapy, veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, and even physical therapy patients who are working on their motor skills. Another crazy things that dogs can do to help with your health is that they are actually able to detect life-threatening health issues. For example, dogs can be trained to realize and identify when their owner is having a seizure. Quick personal story to prove this. One of my family members had seizures and my Welsh Corgi, who we never trained to detect seizures, would actually start freaking out if that person started having a seizure which then alerted us that we need to get to that person. So we never trained our dog to do that, she just knew based on her own instincts. Also, dog’s can even be used to help with allergies. For example, a dog’s terrific sense of smell can actually be used to catch a certain food before their owner eats it. So while you might have to train your dog to be able to detect these types of health issues, they are very able to be trained. So if you want to live a healthier, happier, and less stressful life, get a dog ASAP!

Now, say your kid has been bothering you to get a dog or maybe you are begging your parents to get a dog, there are so many reasons to get a dog for kids. Here are just a few reasons to get a dog for your kids:

  1. Dogs teach responsibility
    1. Being responsible for a dog teaches kids how hard it is to care for another living thing, this is not like taking care of a goldfish, it is much more difficult and takes a lot more time and effort. This helps children to learn how to take initiative, remain grounded and remind them that another live depends on them.
  2. Dogs help to build up the immune systems
    1. Studies have shown that kids who live with dogs actually tend to get less sick throughout their lives. One study showed that babies who are brought into a home that already has a dog are less susceptible to respiratory infections and colds. The reason for this is because dogs bring in different kinds of germs and bacteria that a child’s immune system learns to build defenses against which then helps them as they grow.
  3. Dogs Offer Protection
    1. Having a dog in your home causes a reduced chance of a break in or a robbery. Dogs are great for defending your home because they are ready to bark or defend their family against intruders. Also, robbers are more likely to skip over houses that have dogs in them because of the hassle they cause.
  4. Dogs keep kids active.
    1. If you want to make sure that your child is staying healthy, make them walk the dog every day. Dogs need to be walked in order to stay healthy and children need to have physical exercise as well. Even playing fetch with a dog contributes to a healthier life for kids.
  5. Dogs help to teach selflessness
    1. When a child has to go from being in charge of themselves to being in charge of a dog, they learn that life does not revolve around them. When a child is responsible for another living thing, they learn that others need to be taken care of themselves since they can’t take care of themselves.

Although it might be a daunting task to welcome a dog into your home and train them, it will be worth it. Dogs are not just animals, they are a support system that provides unconditional love. There is too much evidence to dispute the fact that dogs are good for people. Yes, there are horror stories about terrible dogs but if you do enough research and pick your dog very carefully, you should not have issues. Please take a look at these adoptable dogs and make their life and your life even better.

Training Your New Dog


Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a terrific spring break and relaxed in the sun! I know that you missed it, so here we are back again with a new Blog of Dogs! This week, we are going to focus on how to train your precious pooches. As we have talked about before, dogs are very smart and are capable of being trained to do many different things. If you want to train your dog to the best of their abilities, then you need to train them properly and effectively. With this, this blog is going to give you the best tips and tricks to train your dog.

There are so many different ways to train dogs. Some people take the “firm hand” approach while others take the “alpha dog” approach. With this, all dogs are different and different breeds respond better to different training approaches. However, there are some basics that need to be shown in every type of training. These basic training tips are: rewarding behaviors you like and making sure behaviors that are not favorable are not rewarded. Other than these two important tips, you can really choose how to train your dog in your own way. It might take a while to figure out the best way to train your own specific dog so here are some tips to start you on the right track to training your new family member.

  1. Listen to your dog.
    1. Make sure that you are paying attention to your dog and what they want. If they seem uncomfortable for some reason, listen and respect that and try to fix whatever is making your dog upset.
  2. Show your dog proper affection.
    1. While many people do not necessarily have a problem showing when they are unhappy with their dogs, it is much harder to show appreciation and love when their dog does something right. With this, make sure that you give your dog a lot of positive attention and love when they do something right. Dogs love pleasing those they love so when they are being praised for something they did, it is the best way to encourage a certain type of behavior.
  3. Be consistent.
    1. Life can be confusing for a new puppy with so many stimuli and noises around them so it is very important to be as steady as possible with your dog. With this, it is important to make sure that the whole family is as involved in training the dog and not just one main family member. If someone yells at the dog when he jumps on the couch and then someone lets the dog up on the couch another day, it can very confusing for the dog and be detrimental to their training.
  4. Be realistic with your expectations.
    1. Training a dog is not easy, it is a big job that can take a lot of time and effort. Dogs have behaviors that are natural to them, like barking, digging, and jumping, that can take a long time to stop a dog from doing. Have patience with your dog and try not to get too frustrated.
  5. You get what you reinforce which is not always what you want.
    1. If your dog exhibits a behavior that is unfavorable, it is likely that the action was something that has been reinforced before. For example, if your dog brings you a toy and then barks at you to throw it and then you do, this teaches the dog to bark to get what they want. To stop this type of behavior, you must ignore his barking or ask him to do something, like sit, before throwing the toy. This way, you are not responding to his bark rewarding him for obeying you.

Now that you know the tips to training your dog, here are some basic commands that are very important for your dog to learn:

  1. Sit
    1. This command allows you to be able to get control of your dog, no matter what situation. This is a very good command to teach your dog first.
  2. Drop
    1. This command teaches your dog to drop whatever is in their mouth. This is an important command because it could save your dog from harm if they ever pick up something poisonous or dangerous.
  3. Stay
    1. This command teaches your dog to remain still and calm and in one place. This is good for when you are handling food or if there is a car around your dog.
  4. Heel
    1. This command teachers your dog to stay close to you as you walk. This is very useful for keeping your dog under control while you are going on walks.
  5. Come
    1. This command teaches your dog to come to you on your command. This command is important to teach your dog as soon as they learn their own name. This command keeps your dog under control and cna keep your dog from harm.

I hope that this blog was helpful in training your dog! Good luck and have fun with your new pup!!



Dogs: Where Did They Come From?

Today, it is so common for people to own dogs as pets and companions. From my blog, it has been made clear that dogs can be used as pets, as therapy dogs, as guard dogs, as police dogs, and even as football-playing dogs. However, dogs were not always a domesticated animal. Dogs have a very interesting and past.  

Scientists have been trying to figure out and come up with a board picture of where dogs came from and almost all of them say that they come from the wolves species. However, this is one of the only things that the scientists can actually agree on, everything else has not been determined yet and is only based on scientific opinion.

The origin of dogs started tens of thousands of years ago with a very unlikely partnership: humans and the grey wolf.

First, we have to start with the origin or wolves before we get into how dogs originated. While some say that wolves were domesticated 10,000 years ago, others say that they were domesticated in Europe. Some say that it happened in Europe while others say it happened in the Middle East or Asia. Finally, some say wolves were domesticated themselves others say that the early human hunter-gatherers actively tamed and bred wolves.

Finally, in 2009, a scientist, Germonpré, did a lot of research on the origin of dogs. Germonpré set off a firestorm when she researched the skull of a 36,000 year-old Pleistocene dog from Belgium’s Goyet Cave. The remains that were found of this dog/wolf were found in the 1860s and were found along with a lynx, a mammoth, and various other animals. At first, the Goyet was labeled as a wolf, but after Germonpré compared the sizes and shape of the skull and teeth of the school, it was very similar to modern wolves and dogs. With this, she believed that the wolf remains were more doglike than wolfish.

With this, skull morphology is the key to the domestication because it is where the physical difference between modern wolves and modern dogs is the most pronounced. However, in the summer of 2017, researchers began to go even further into searching the origins of dogs. To do so, the researchers have been studying 1,500 samples of genetic samples from ancient candid remains or DNA. However, the extraction and analyzing of DNA is very complicated. After the death of an animal, microbes invade the body and begin the process of decomposition. Bacteria are all through the body and the sample which then leaves their own genetic material very muddy and hard to research. In this case, the researchers have figured out how to bypass the bacterial mess by designing custom tools which allows them to be able to find the DNA segments that are unique to the canids. While this process is effective, it is very time-consuming which is why this research has been going on for two years. So with this newfound genetic data and the morphological study of the ancient canid remains, it could really strengthen the dual origin theory of wolves and dogs that was proposed earlier, this could also build a case for even more origin facts and stories.

Fast similarities about wolves and dogs:

  • Genetics
    • They share about 98.8 percent of the same genetics. This is due to the to the interbreeding of dogs and wolves.
  • Physical Attributes
    • While obviously wolves and dogs both have four legs, four paws, a wet nose, and a tail, there is much more than just those similarities. Dogs and wolves both have similar life expectancies.
    • While wolves have larger brains, longer legs, bigger feet, and longer muscles, dogs have a wider variety of traits because of domestication.
  • Behavior Similarities
    • Dogs and wolves are both pack animals. They also both show similar displays when they are greeting other dogs or humans, being friendly, or when being aggressive. However, wolves rarely every lick other people’s faces while dogs do tend to lick.
    • Both wolves and dogs also have the ability to hunt using their senses. Also, both dogs can be territorial but wolves are more likely to kill for competition or food.

While wolves and dogs do have many similarities, definitely do not try to domesticate a wolf because they are meant to be outside and in the wild, hunting and living their own lives. So, just make sure to stick with domesticated dogs!

The Puppy Bowl

Move aside Super Bowl LII, make way for Puppy Bowl XIV. While the Philadelphia Eagles face the New England Patriots on Sunday, February 4th, 2018, there will be another, much cuter game going on as well: The Puppy Bowl. On this super Sunday, not only will the Eagles play the Patriots, Team Ruff will go head to head with Team Fluff for the latest Puppy Bowl.

So how did this amazingly adorable tradition of dogs playing football begin? It all started in 2005 with a simple concept: it was a joke. Margo Kent, who is the executive producer, said the idea came from a simple thought, “How do you counter the Super Bowl? Let’s just put a box of puppies up there and call it a day.” While it started off as a joke and it was an idea just for fun, people realized that this idea was actually proven to be successful. The first year brought in 638,000 viewers when a puppy named Riley got the first penalty of “Unsportsmanlike Delay of Game” when he peed on the field. Last year, the Puppy Bowl raked in about 2.5 million views and it big business for the Animal Planet network, who runs the Bowl.  This success of the Puppy Bowl then led to many other animal copycats, like the Kitten Bowl and the Fish Bowl.

The basic premise of the Puppy Bowl has remained more or less the same since the beginning but the logistical complexity has grown many times over throughout the years. Today, they are teams and rules, as well as a rotating cast of guest animal cheerleaders like an inter-species duckling-bunny-piglet squad. Also this year, there is a new-and-improved bone-shaped stadium that has video cameras to catch every little detail.

The Puppy Bowl is planned to a tee. The draft for the Bowl begins in June and the first step is creating a “massive casting blast” to shelters across the country asking for headshots from eligible dogs, aged 12-22 weeks. The dogs also must have resumes and then the casting department begin the hard work of selecting the puppies for the bowl. The contestants (the dogs) are chosen to reflect a wide range of “sizes, of fluffiness, of breed mixes.” At the end, they represent 48 shelters, from 26 states and even Mexico. Mango, a Staffordshire-Chihuahua mix, is the Bowl’s first international competitor hailing from Mexico.

One of the main reasons that the Puppy Bowl is so popular is because you are allowed to adopt all of the dogs in the bowl. But, if you are watching the game and try to adopt one, they are probably already taken. By the end of game in February, almost all of the dogs have been adopted, many by the Puppy Bowl employees. However, the Puppy Bowl gives all of the information about the shelters and where you can adopt more dogs that are actually available. The Puppy Bowl is a great way for dogs to get adopted and to advertise about shelter dogs.

Here are some facts about the Puppy Bowl:

  • Game day actually occurs in October, not February.
    • The game actually is shot over the course of two days in October. The reason for this is because it takes three months of preparation because it’s a full two days of shooting with 21 cameras on the field, which makes for a lot of footage to edit.
  • There is a great amount of peanut butter used during production.
    • There are a lot of close-up images of the dogs and peanut butter is used so that the they can catch the dogs looking at the camera. The crew also smears the dogs’ chew toys with peanut butter to attract the canines.
  • The cheerleaders are always changing.
    • In 2010, there was a team of bunny cheerleaders. In 2011, there were chicken cheerleaders. In 2012, there were chicks as the pep squad. In 2013, there were pigs, then the next year there were penguins. In 2017, there was a squad of rescue rabbits and guinea pigs. For the 2018 game, there will be a blend of baby barnyard cheerleaders which will include ducklings, piglets, and baby bunnies.
  • Several special needs puppies compete.
    • Three of the 2017 puppies were actually dogs with disabilities. There was a visually-impaired Husky, a deaf Dalmatian, and a Pomeranian mix with a cleft palate.
  • This year’s Puppy Bowl will feature a rescue sloth.
    • Shirley, the rescue sloth, will be assisting long-time referee, Schacher, on the field. Shirley will help call penalties and celebrate touchdowns.

If you missed the Puppy Bowl, watch it on Animal Planet here!


Police Dogs: Here to Help

So, everyone has heard of police officers, but not everyone has heard of police dogs. Let it be know, police dogs do not pull people over or arrest criminals, that’s only in the movies. Police dogs come from a specific breed that are able to perform specific tasks that police dogs need to accomplish. While some dogs are used as guide dogs, search-and-rescue dogs, and bomb or drug sniffing dogs, very few dogs are asked to give as much as themselves as police dogs. With this, police dogs are used to track criminals, sniff out illegal materials, search buildings, and do other jobs that human police officers are incapable of doing.

Why do we use police dogs? There are many things that dogs can do that humans cannot. For example, a dog’s sense of smell is fifty times more sensitive than a human’s sense of smell. With this, a dog is able to sniff out criminals, drugs, weapons, and bombs in situations where it would be impossible for a human to do so. Along with having a very strong sense of smell, a dog always has a very picky sense of smell. A dog can discern a scent from a dozens of other smells around them. THis is why dogs are able to find drugs that are wrapped in towels soaked with perform because they are able to find that one specific smell. Another reason why we use police dogs is because of their sizes. Some dogs are able to fit into small spaces. Dogs are able to search through rubble during search and rescues and go through smaller spaces to get somewhere faster.

Some important qualities and characteristics of a police dogs are that they are intelligent, aggressive, strong, and have a good sense of smell. Many police dogs are male and are frequently left unneutered so they can maintain their natural aggression. However, this aggression is kept very close in check with rigorous and thorough training. Police dogs can come from many different sources. While some dogs are donated by their original owners, some dogs are now being specifically bred and raised for police work. Even more often, dogs are imported Europe because of the way they are bred. In Europe, breeding standards are much more strict than in America; dogs are measured by a core set of physical attributes and they are only bred if they meet those criteria. Also, European police dog agencies are internationally renowned and when graduating from the academies, receive an international certification.

While any dog can be trained as a police dog, the most popular police dog breeds are:

  • Belgian Malinois
  • German Shepherd Dogs
  • Bloodhounds
  • Dutch Shepherds
  • Labrador Retrievers

These breeds are known for their incredible working ability and their desire to cooperate with humans and handlers. These dogs are the easiest and most compatibility with training to be a police dog.

There are three major disciplines that police dogs are focused on when they are on the force:

  • Apprehension
    • This is the most popular discipline of the police dog. Dogs are trained to bite suspects who seem dangerous and hold them hostage if necessary. Also, police dogs are the first ones to put their lives on the line and put themselves in danger in order to protect their human partners. They must be stable and know when someone is a threat and also know that they have to act solely on the command of their handlers.
  • Detection
    • Dogs use their amazing sense of smell when it comes to fighting crimes and catching criminals. As said before, dogs are used to detect drugs, explosives, and other crime scene evidence. The dogs are able to perform their tasks anywhere but especially at airports and border entries. Dogs can also be trained to detect landmines in order to protect their handlers from danger.
  • Search and Rescue
    • One of the biggest parts of police work is searching for lost victims whether that be through a kidnapping or a missing person. With this, dogs can be trained to find living victims based on their scents or even find the remains of a deceased human. Dogs are also able to search through rubble and cover miles of to look for a lost hiker, someone buried in an avalanche, or even locate the bodies of victims under water. Dogs are able to cover large areas in a short amount of time which makes them a great resource when looking for victims.

If you would like to make a donation to the National Police Dog foundation to help them continue to train dogs in making the world a safer place, click here!



Rescue Dogs: The Best Way to Find a Friend

If you are looking to add a new addition to your home or apartment, the best way to go is to get a dog. If my blog has not made it clear enough, dogs are the best companions in the world. Not only do they foster unconditional love for anyone, they can be protective, fun, comforting, or anywhere in between. You can get any kind of dog that matches their your personality because all dog breeds are so different and unique. With this, while there are many different places to get dogs, the best option is to save the life of a dog by rescuing them from a shelter.

First, it is important to explain what exactly an animal shelter is. While not all animal shelters are the same, animals still end up in these shelters all the same. Basically, most animal shelters take in just about every type of domesticated animal, ranging from birds to rabbits to horses. However, the most common types of animals that are taken in by shelters are dogs and cats. While most animals that are taken in by shelters are found on the street, some people bring in their own pets to the shelters because they can no longer take care of them.

In many movies, like Hotel for Dog, 101 Dalmations, and Oliver and Company, they show the dog pound and as scary and an abusive place for animals. Today, many rescues are trying to reverse this stigma and use different, far gentler words to describe these “dog catchers” and “pounds.” For example, instead of “dog catchers,” the name was changed to “animal control officers.” These officers then find stray or “homeless” dogs and take them to rescue shelters. At the shelters, the dogs are not abused, but taken care of until they can be adopted by a new family. This change of wording shows how society is changing and adopting more positive attitudes about animal welfare and protecting animals.

So if the rescue shelters take care of these animals, why is there such a necessity for people to adopt them? Yes, it would be great if shelters could just keep any animal for as long as they could until they were adopted, but that is not the case. Unfortunately, shelters do not have enough room and provisions to take care of all the animals that they take in. With this, more than half of the dogs and cats that are taken into shelters are put to sleep or euthanized because they are too sick, too old, or are unable to be adopted. There is no law or rule on how long shelters can keep animals in their shelter so each shelter has their own individual rules. The Humane Society recommends that shelters hold strays for at least five days before putting them down but it can vary based on the space that the shelter has as well as the individual health and actual adoptability of a specific animal.

Now if the facts above do not convince you to go to a shelter when getting a dog, here are some statistics about shelters:

  • About 6.5 million animals are put into shelters nationwide every year. Of this 6.5, about 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.
  • Each year, about 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized. About 670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats are part of that 1.5 million.
  • About 3.2 million animals from a shelter are adopted each year.
  • About 710,000 animals are returned to their owners after being in a shelter.

If you would like to learn more about these statistics, you can learn more at the ASPCA website. The ASPCA or the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) was the first humane society established in North America and it is also one of the largest humane societies in the world. The organization was founded on the belief that all animals deserve and are entitled to respectful treatment at the hands of humans. With this, the organization believes that animals should be protected under the law. The mission of the ASPCA is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.” The ASPCA works with shelters, pet owners, political leaders, and entire communities to spread their mission and help all animals.

So, why should you adopt a pet from a shelter? Here are some concrete reasons as to why adopting is the best option when it comes to pets:

  • You are literally saving a life. By adopting an animal, you will save them from the possibility of being euthanized.
  • You can still get a terrific pet if you get an animal from a shelter instead of a breeder. Most animals are so happy to finally have a home again and others can already be housetrained or used to living with families already.
  • It will cost less than buying a dog from a breeder.
  • You will help more than one animal by adopting. By adopting an animal, it makes room for other animals and lowers the chance of another animal being euthanized.
  • You will change an animal’s whole world. You will give an animal a second chance at a happy and healthy life.


I cannot say it enough, adopting is so much more beneficial for animals. If you would like to learn more about rescuing an animal from your area, click here. If you would like to donate money to the ASPCA, click here.

Therapy Dogs: Emotional Support for Those in Need

In the first semester, I decided to switch up from what I normally do on the blog and talk about Service Dogs instead of a specific dog breed. While I love talking about dog breeds and telling the history of all of them, I think that it is very important for people to understand what dogs are capable of. Dogs are not only useful for being a wonderful companion and protector, they are so much more than that. Dogs can be trained to do many things that can be very beneficial to humans. For example, a dog can be trained to be a therapy dog.

Therapy dogs are dogs who are trained to be able to visit nursing homes, hospitals, schools, special needs centers, airports, or other institutions to bring joy to those who are in need of it. The whole point of therapy dogs is to make others happy, whether young or old, sick or healthy.

Any dogs can be therapy dogs if they are trained well. Most therapy dogs are friendly, affectionate, confident, and gentle. Since the primary role of therapy dogs is to interact with other people, it is very important that service dogs are able to work and interact with other people, no matter what the age or gender. However, a dog cannot just have these qualities to be a therapy dog. They have to go through a whole training process to be considered proper therapy dogs.

There are many different tests and training processes for different therapy dog organizations. However, most of the tests are very similar. The tests are typically designed to affirm that an owner and the therapy dog have a good relationship with one another. If an owner cannot control their dog or if the dog does not respect the owner, then they will not be good with strangers or with children. It is also very important for dogs to have a calm nature and temperament so that they will be able to work with certain people. After the test monitors see how the dog behaves with their owner, the dogs then have to go with their owner and a Tester or Observer to three facility visits and two of those three visits must be to a medical facility. During these three visits, the Tester will teach the dog what to do and show them how to interact with patients. If the dog is able to handle the visits, then the Tester will be able to pass the dog and then recommend registration with that specific organization.

It is important to note that if you want to make your dog a therapy dog, they must get their certification through an expert, not just anyone. You would have to go to someone that actually knows what they are doing and can give dogs a legitimate certificate. Here are some organizations that can certify a dog for therapy:

While any dog breed can be trained to be a therapy dog, there are some breeds that are bred to be better than others at this job; they might just have innate characteristics or personalities that make them good for therapy. With this, here are the 10 Best Therapy Dog Breeds:

  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. German Shepherd
  3. Greyhound
  4. Beagle
  5. Rottweiler
  6. Cardigan Welsh Corgi
  7. Pomeranian
  8. Poodle
  9. Pug
  10. Collie

Now, once the dogs are trained and ready to go be with people, what do they do? It has been proven by many different studies that the presence of a dog can be very soothing and calming to those in stressful situations. Therapy dogs are able to promote activity, conversation, and even an emotional connection between patients. People can interact with therapy dogs through:

  1. Tossing a ball or toy for the dog to fetch.
  2. Talking, petting, holding, or cuddling the dog.
  3. Making the dog to tricks and commands like sitting, rolling over, and even shaking hands.
  4. Simply enjoying the presence of the dog.

It has also been proven that therapy dogs can really help the social and emotional feelings of people. Due to the unconditional affection of therapy dogs they are able to provide:

  1. Reduced feelings of loneliness and depression
  2. Lower levels of anxiety
  3. A more positive outlook on life and circumstances.

If you are interested in learning more about these studies based on Animal-assisted therapy, check this link out!

If you think that your dog has what it takes to be a therapy dog, click here to find out where to start!


Siberian Huskies: Blue-Eyed Beauties

Welcome back to Dog of Blogs! I hope you all had a well-deserved break and are ready to learn more about dogs in the newest installment of Blog of Dogs! This week we will be focusing on the Siberian Husky!

The Siberian Husky is commonly identified by their blue or multi-colored eyes as well as their wolf-like features. Huskies are very smart, athletic, and independent which can make them challenging for first time owners. Because of their athletic ability, it is very easy for Huskies to run away, so it is very important for Huskies to be in a fenced-in area. Huskies are one of the friendliest dog breeds, especially with families and kids. They are very agreeable and have an outgoing temperament which makes them good companions for kids. They also have good endurance and a strong willingness to work which makes them a great working dog, especially in colder climates.

Fast Facts:

Siberian Huskies come from the “Working Dogs” breed group. They are a medium sized dog, ranging from one foot eight inches to eleven inches tall at the shoulder. They have a pretty wide weight range from 35 to 60 pounds. They also have a nice long life lifespan, ranging from 12 to 15 years if you take good care of these precious dogs.


The Siberian Husky is believed to have originated among a tribe of Siberian nomads, the Chukchi. DNA tests have confirmed that Siberian Huskies are one of the oldest dog breeds, making their history pretty unknown. With this, it is known that the Chukchi used the Siberian Huskies for faster transportation in the cold weather. An even more important use of the Huskies is how helpful they were to families. For example, they slept with children to provide warmth and comfort in the cold weather and were able to help doing heavy labor around the house, like transporting things. In 1908, the Siberian Husky moved to Alaska and were used as sled dogs during the Gold Rush. Once they moved to Alaska, they became part of the All-Alaska Sweepstakes, which is a 408-mile dog sled race which is still continued today with the Huskies. The Siberian Club of America was founded in 1938 and the Siberian Husky was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1930.


Since Huskies are pack dogs, they need an owner who is a clear and firm leader. If an owner can establish themselves as such, it makes training much easier because the dog will respect and listen to the owner. It is very common for Huskies to challenge the limits of an owner’s position and even try to take control from time to time so it is very important to have a good grasp on a Husky. It is necessary to give a Husky plenty of exercise throughout the day because they are such a high-energy breed. If they do not have enough exercise and play time, they can be very destructive. Huskies are very social and love to interact with other dogs as well as people. One interesting fact about Huskies is that they do not bark, making for horrible watchdogs. Instead of barking, Huskies have a nice loud howl that can bother neighbors if not contained. As always, it is very important to socialize Huskies as early as possible because of how social the breed is. Going to dog parks, going on strolls through town, inviting people over, or even taking a Husky into a store are all great ways to socialize a Husky.

All Alaska Sweepstakes Race:

This 408-mile race was originally made to help the gold miners in the cold winter weather of Nome, Alaska. During this time, the best mode of land transportation in the winter were sled dog teams. With this, people would bet large amounts of money on which sled dog team would get to somewhere faster. However, it was soon discovered that this race was not won simply by going fast, but rather, with strategy and special care to the dogs doing the hard work. The first couple of races did not have any rules but as time went on, more and more rules were added to this race in order to make sure that everyone involved was safe, humans and dogs. This is an entertaining and important race in Alaska that captures the attention of thousands of people.

If you want to add a wonderful addition to your family, adopt a Husky now! They will be a great friend and companion as well as an amazing comfort with their warm fur!

Deutsch Drahthaar: The Nosy Hunter

The Drahthaar is a very versatile hunting dog who can hunt any game on any type of terrain and even retrieve items from land or water. With his excellent nose and stamina, this dog is a perfect companion to hunters and active families.

Fast Facts:

Drahthaars are sporting dogs due to how fast and strong they are. They are a medium-sized dog, growing from one foot, ten inches to two feet, two inches at the shoulder. They usually weigh sixty to seventy pounds, making them a pretty solid dog. Like most dogs, Drahthaars can live a long life of twelve to fourteen years if they are properly taken care of.


In the late 1800s, German hunters were in need of a strong dog who could hunt any type of game on any type of terrain. With this, they created the German Wirehaired Pointer, or the Drahthaar. To make this dog, the Germans blended the best qualities of the Pointer, Poodle, and Foxhound breeds to develop a dog that could retrieve items on land and in water, no matter what the environment or the weather. After his creation, the Drahthaar was admitted into the German Kartell for dogs in 1928 and was then brought to the United States in the 1920s. In 1953, the German Drahthaar Club of America was formed, making the Drahthaar a true staple in the American household.


The Drahthaar is very loyal and affectionate to his family and people he knows, but can be tough with strangers. It is common for a Drahthaar to have a favorite person in his family. The Drahthaar is all about family because of how much he loves human companionship which makes him a great household dog as well as a good guard dog. With this, it is important to realize that a Drahthaar can be possessive and possibly act aggressive towards things that he might find strange or threatening; he will do anything to guard his family. Drahthaars can become bored rather easily so it is very important to exercise your Drahthaar and make sure that they are getting enough time outside play time. Drahthaars have a strong desire to please so it is not very difficult to train them using a reward system but it is important to make sure that the Drahthaar knows that humans are in charge or they might try to dominate the household and other animals. As always, it is essential to socialize a Drahthaar as early as possible to make them less aggressive as they age.

Puppy for Christmas!

Because it is the Christmas season, here is a video of a child getting the best gift in the world: a puppy!

Remember that there are always so many dogs that need happy families to get adopted into. If you are interested in a Drahthaar for your family or friends, then check out all of these amazing dogs up for adoption! Even if you just want to help these dogs, check out the National German Wirehaired Pointer Rescue anyway!


Pembroke Welsh Corgis: Royal and Loyal

The royal and loyal Pembroke Welsh Corgi is an active and very smart dog that is ready to learn and eager to be trained. With their short legs, Pembrokes are wonderful with children and other animals. You can find Pembrokes in all different colors and fur markings as well.

Fast Facts:
Corgis, especially Pembrokes, are herding dogs who love to herd anything and everything. They are very short due to their stumpy legs so they are usually ten inches to one foot tall at the shoulder. They are a pretty solid dog, weighing up to thirty pounds. With the proper care and love, a Pembroke can live from twelve to fourteen years.

Welsh Corgis can come in two varieties: the Pembroke and the Cardigan. Before 1934, these two breeds were registered under one until many breeders publicized that the two breeds developed separately and differently. While they both have the same level of intelligence and herding abilities, the Cardigan is slightly larger and heavier than the Pembroke. However, the biggest difference between the two breeds is that the Pembroke have a little stub of a tail while the Cardigan has a long tail.


The Pembroke Welsh Corgi originated in Pembrokeshire, Wales. Unlike other dogs, the Pembroke’s origin comes from folklores. It is said that the Pembrokes sprang from fairies and elves. One day, two children were wandering in the forest and found these Corgis and brought them back home where the children’s parents told them the the Corgis were used by the fairies to ride into battle. It is said that as the dogs grew up with the family, they learned how to help take care of the children and the cattle.  The historical origin of the Corgis was that Vallhunds who were Swedish cattle dogs that were brought to Wales by the Vikings. Pembrokes were very popular in Europe and were finally brought into the United States in 1936. Today, they are among the Top 50 dogs breeds in the United States.


While Pembrokes are still used as working dogs today, they are still very good family dogs as well. They are known to be very loving, loyal, and smart but can have a stubborn streaks at points. Pembrokes are relatively easy to train because of how much they want to please their owner and make them happy. However, if they are feeling particularly stubborn one day, food is always a perfect way to get a Pembrokes to do what you want. With this, they love to eat and can easily become obese is not given food in moderation. While they may be on the smaller end, Pembrokes are great guard dogs and their strong bark can ward over any stranger. Like every other dog, it is important to socialize your Pembroke as early as possible to make them as well-rounded as possible.

Corgis and the Queen:
It is likely that you have seen Corgis because of the Queen. Corgis are all over Buckingham Palace gift shops: key chains, stuffed animals, magnets, Christmas-tree ornaments and basically anything you could think of. The long line of royal Corgis started in 1933 with King George VI and Queen Elizabeth got their first Corgi: Dookie. Then, on Queen Elizabeth’s 18th birthday in 1944, she got her own Corgi and named her Susan. Susan gave birth to her own litter in 1949 and this started the program of royal breeding. While Queen Elizabeth’s children, may have not found the same love for Corgis, they are still a big part of the royal family today.

And do not forget, there are always dogs that need adopting. Try to go to shelters instead of “puppy boutiques” or breeders be cause those dogs need homes more than ever. If you want a Corgi, go no further than this link!