Doctor Strange

*Side effects include vomiting, dizziness, confusion, headaches, and death* 

Doctor Strange revamps the Avenger Universe with the introduction of a new story. Oftentimes, the hero’s life prior to obtaining superpowers is limited and minimal. However, Doctor Strange continues to revisit his past as he moves on. 

Opening villain scene, applauds to Marvel. The effects are out of this world. After five seconds of viewing these scenes, I went to take off my 3D glasses to find out I was not wearing any. Oh, dear! My dorm room started to move, walls caving in, I fell to the ground. My roommate was highly concerned. 

We meet the star of the show, Benedict Cumberbatch (AKA Doctor Strange), as he arrogantly recalls information using his photographic memory. Relationship problems arise, which is nice considering how many Avengers never encounter a romantic interest. I am not going to talk about her for the rest of the film because I don’t know her name and honestly, I don’t care. 

Banister Crumblebench speeds along a curvy mountainside while taking a phone call. He rejects patients unless they will bring him fame. What goes around comes around. Banana Coconut is thrown off the cliff. Oh no, his hands are injured and now he can no longer perform neurosurgery. Did he deserve it? Absolutely! 

Like any highly educated individual, Strange decides to abandon Western medicine for Eastern spiritual healing Juju. He finds a place called Kamar-Taj. The Ancient One (totally original name) takes him on a drug trip *Five-minute break for the dizziness to stop*.  

Snickerdoodle Chittybangbang struggles with the basics, so he uses his “awesomeness” and skips to the forbidden, higher-level spells. This includes using the Time Stone to manipulate time (given this movie aired before Infinity War).  

Bumblebee Cinnaminroll engages in a fight with the villain with deeply disturbing eye problems. This is how girls wake up in the morning after forgetting to remove their mascara. Crombleporks thunder is stolen by the Cloak of Levitation. I always thought the debate was between baby Yoda and baby Groot. But nothing compares to the Cloak of Levitation. It’s got sass, a mind of its own, and it completes the feel of the dark arts. Too bad the title is Doctor Strange. I would rather watch a movie starring the Cloak of Levitation. 

One of my favorite parts of Marvel movies is the fight scenes. I cannot even imagine how much animation went into creating whatever this is supposed to be. All of the battles in Doctor Strange took place in these dimensions, making them unpleasant to watch and frankly confusing. 

Strange learns of a shocking revelation, the Ancient One draws power from the Dark Dimension. So what? Big deal! We all saw that coming. She’s the good guy, no need to have a crisis of confidence. Of course, she dies leaving the door open for Bonedump Crunklepack to become the next Sorcerer Supreme *jazz hands*. 

Strange and that other guy (sidekick maybe?) go to Hong Kong where he uses the infinity stone to fix everything. Cumberbatch is willing to be punished for eternity to protect Earth… I guess that is his hero moment? I am getting major Thor vibes where they went from unworthy to worthy yet they both remained arrogant the whole film. Apparently, Marvel has decided to stop teaching the audience lessons in their films. Anywho he saves the day and that is the whole film. 

Overall, there was no character development, the battles were useless, and Buttercup Cumbersnach is gifted in the mystic arts, like all “chosen ones”. I liked the Cloak and the unique storyline, but other than that the film lacked depth and meaning. The only purpose is to amp the crowd for the upcoming Infinity movie by showing off the Time Stone. 

Leave in the comments what you think about Doctor Strange and what Marvel movie you want me to review next. 


2 Comments on Doctor Strange

  1. Ainsley Spitz
    September 17, 2021 at 12:45 pm (3 years ago)

    Like you, I love Marvel. I got into the series over quarantine and watched every movie within 2 months. I agree that Doctor Strange lacked character development. It was a little odd that while he moved through so many phases of life within the movie, he never truly developed much in his personality. My favorite Marvel movie would have to be Captain America. I would love to see you analyze that one.

  2. Baybars Charkas
    September 17, 2021 at 12:55 pm (3 years ago)

    “I went to take off my 3D glasses to find out I was not wearing any. Oh, dear!”

    Ha ha! I know the feeling.

    You have a very funny writing style, and you’ve raised a few hearty chuckles from me. I’d say that’s a mark of success, so good on your part. I like how you poke fun at Benedict Cumberbatch’s ostentatiously posh name, but I think you draw out the joke too long such that it stops being as forcible and funny as you may like. It’s no good using a gimmick too much, in my opinion.

    I enjoy the little adlibs you include in your writing. Your personality seeps into what you write, and that much is clear to your reader.

    There are some good witticisms here, and you’ve got a good deal of wit about you. Keep up the good work.


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