Captain America: the First Avenger
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The popular vote is in, and Captain America has won by a landslide! (There was only one vote). So, let’s review the good, the bad, and my personal opinion of my first time watching Captain America.
The Good
- It is fun to look back and find all the easter eggs foreshadowing Avengers. For example, the Tesseract from Avengers. The only notable difference is how bright the Tesseract is compared to Avengers. I’ll leave the rest for you to find yourself.
- Hydra is Hydra and as usual destroys everything in its path to find legendary items. I am receiving Marvel’s Agents of Shield nostalgia. Sometimes it’s nice having a simple villain.
- I am so disappointed in myself for not learning about Peggy Carter sooner! I love this woman. I admire Peggy going in for the kiss instead of Captain America.
- Finally! He throws the shield, and it doesn’t return. This dude seriously invades an enemy base without multiple weapons. He is definitely not the smart one on the team.
Find the gif here.
The Bad
- Modern Marvels Pavilion? There is no way this si-fi, futuristic museum existed in 1942. Of course! I’m an idiot. The only person in the world that would design a cheap futuristic movie set in 1940 is a Stark. Aaannndd, it malfunctions… who else called it? Then he makes a smooth recovery. I am starting to see the relation.
- Ok life lesson time. When a creepy scientist knows you cheated on your exam and asks you if you want to work for them, do you…
- Yes!
- No!
- What are the terms and conditions
- Scream stranger danger
- Bucky is dead *eyeroll*. Steve saves Bucky. Ooofff, Bucky fell off a cliff and dies again *sigh*.
- Oh sure, let me infiltrate an enemy base with a huge American shield. That will totally not give me away. While I am at it, why not throw a prison revolt and give away the secret undercover mission. Finally, Captain America has a good idea and steals some of Hydra’s serum.
- Eeeewwww… The Hydra leader peels off his skin to reveal a hybrid of Darth maul and Voldemort. Yuck, the nose is missing. Can he smell? What happens when he sneezes? I am eternally cringing anytime I see him the rest of the film. When he sniffles during the fight scene, I gagged.
- I guess he learned how to throw a shield overnight? I throw the discus, and I am proficient with a Frisbee. But shield throwing is over my head. Not to mention how it returns like a boomerang.
Find the gif here.
Personal Opinion
- IDK if they put Chis Evans head on a stick or what, but that big head a little body contradiction was laughable.
- OMG James Barnes! I loved The Falcon and the Winter Soldier… IDK they were friends before the war. It just now occurred to me that the next movie is called Captain America Winter Soldier (it’s all coming together).
- I totally related when Tom Hanks was praising the soldiers, looked at Steve, and said you all will get much better. It stings when professors glance at you and say room for improvement.
Find the gif here.
Overall, I enjoyed the simple action movie appeal. Finding all the foreshadowing hints for Avengers makes the movie highly engaging. I would recommend this movie for a relaxing evening. Let me know in the comments which Marvel Movie you want me to review next!
Cassy Edwards
September 24, 2021 at 12:59 pm (4 years ago)I find your commentary super detailed! Do you rewatch the movies prior to posting each blog? Because Captain America is one of the older Marvel superheroes, and some of the movie is set in the 1940’s, I do find some of the Sci-fi elements to be out of place as well. I would love to see a review on Captain Marvel next. I was personally really excited to see it in theaters and ended up rather disappointed after watching it so I would love to see your opinion on it.
Kaylah Tengeya
September 24, 2021 at 1:03 pm (4 years ago)While watching this movie I hated the cgi or whatever was used to have Steve Rogers look smaller. looked very fake and weird. The first time I watched this movie I did not like it much, now that I think about it I cant remember why I disliked it but I do remember at one point going back and rewatching it and it not being as bad as I thought it was. The action was good but it is still low tier for me personally. Id like to hear your thoughts on Captain America and the Winter Solider.