Marvel’s Top Five Most Valuable Players

For my final Marvel Movie blog, I decided to rank the top five MVP on the Avenger team. There is a long list of Avengers with various abilities, but these five characters stood out the most as the MVP.

Number five is the Black Widow. She may not have powers, but her body is a weapon. She has extensive experience running operations. Her knowledge of Earth’s heroes and villains makes her invaluable. Not to mention, Natasha Romanoff continued to lead the Avengers during Thanos’ snap when many gave up. She eventually gave her life to bring back everyone on Earth. 

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Black Widow

Number four is Spiderman. He has great abilities and he loves to help. But, he lacks experience, which is why he is not higher on the list. Not only is he a high school student, but he is still just a friendly neighborhood superhero. Although, he seems to be increasing his responsibilities, especially with the loss of Iron Man. I have been trying to see the newest Spiderman film, but my plans keep on falling through.

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Number three is the Scarlet Witch. Not only is she one of the few Avengers to be born with natural abilities, but she holds one of the most powerful names in the MCU. While we still do not know what will happen after her short miniseries, it is clear she will be getting an upgrade. After all the grief she has lived through, she still remains a hero.

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Scarlet Witch

Number two is the Black Panther. He is a great leader for Wakanda and would do anything to protect his people. What truly sets him apart is his compassion and empathy for others. He is not afraid to rely on support from his people. He trusts Shuri’s inventions and uses her technology to do what needs to be done.

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Black Panther

Number one is Iron Man. He is wicked smart, rich, and brave. He does what needs to be done without asking permission. He is an inventor who cares about bettering Earth. He was not just recruited because of his suit, but rather his ability to think outside the box and create solutions to problems no one has faced before. Ultimately, he gave his life to protect Earth – even if it meant he would never see his daughter again.

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Iron Man

I selected these five because they all have Earth’s best interest at heart. Some Avengers like Thor and Captain Marvel are barely on Earth and care more about their own people. Two of these characters even gave their life for Earth. I also looked for leadership qualities. Iron Man, the Black Panther, and the Black Widow all held leadership roles and put their team before themselves. It doesn’t matter if some of the characters are dead, they are still valuable team members.

Here are some honorable mentions. Bruce Banner is highly intelligent, but the Hulk is only capable of smashing objects. Not to mention, the Hulk sometimes hurts his own team by losing control. Vision was another contender. However, he lacks strong passion and desire to protect Earth. He is too grounded and peaceful. I also considered Captain America. Yet, he lacks a special trait to set him apart. He is a great leader and good person. But he is replaceable.

Overall, these are the top five Avengers that I would like on my fantasy team. Let me know in the comments what your top Marvel MVP’s are.

3 Comments on Marvel’s Top Five Most Valuable Players

  1. Fiona Healy
    April 15, 2022 at 12:33 pm (2 years ago)

    I love the way you described the characters. However, I would rank Captain America because his leadership and bravery are not replaceable traits. Even before he became a superhero, he was the same Steve Rogers who would fight for what was right and lie on his application for the army. His storyline has always surrounded a high moral status. The man who is willing to drop onto a bomb to protect others and a scrawny Brooklyn boy who was beat up around every corner.

  2. David
    April 15, 2022 at 12:51 pm (2 years ago)

    I saw that black widow was on your list on Avenger MVP’s and I just have to speak about it. This goes for Hawkeye too, I do not get how those two are able to compete with other heroes and villains in the Marvel Universe. I get it that they are both lethal super soldiers who could single handedly take out a squadron of green barets without breaking a sweat, but at the end of the day they are both still regular humans. When going against other humans they have my full confidence, however, when they are going against literal gods, I gotta put my money on the old ones.

  3. Sebastian Ruiz
    April 17, 2022 at 3:12 pm (2 years ago)

    If were going off of importance and value, Dr. Strange, Captain America and Thor should all be here. Theie overall contribution to the Avengers dwarfs that of Spiderman, Black Widow and Scarlett Witch. However, the way you laid out your blog and your opinion was outstanding.


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