About Me

Welcome to Talkin’ Baseball!

My name is Brian Urvater and I am a senior Public Relations with a minor in sociology at Penn State University. I am involved with organizations such as Sigma Pi, PRSSA, CommAgency, and Feeding the Community here at Penn State. I enjoy writing and producing digital media content for a wide array of topics, however I take special interest in content that involves sports and entertainment.

Growing up in a baseball family, I have always loved to follow Major League Baseball news and keep up to date with teams and players. My love for the game combined with my interest in digital media as well as social media strategies has also led me into the world of video editing on platforms like Adobe Premiere Pro and Filmora, where I take pride in putting together thrilling highlight videos for athletes.

My career goals include being a part of a PR team that accurately represents an organization and communicates important information to their publics. I am interested in creating social media techniques that boost public opinion of an organization and writing news releases that portray the intentions of a company. Considering my enthusiasm for sports, I am specifically interested in being a part of the front office of professional leagues and teams. Additionally, I aspire to work for programs such as YES Network, ESPN, MLB Network, Fox Sports, and SNY. ‘


Email: buu8@psu.edu

Twitter: @BUrvater

LinkedIn: Brian Urvater