By: Autumn Simms, Lion’s Eye Writer,
For Valentine’s Day, student affairs personnell hosted a Stuff-a-Plush event in the heart of the Lion’s Den. Many people like to go out and buy candies, chocolates, cards and other romantic goodies for this special day, but a handmade adorable Penn State plushie can also spread jow. The free event drew in many students during their common hour, an hour of recollection and relaxation. They got to step away from preparing for their next class and spend a little bit of their free time creating a gift that will last for a while.
Freshman Tayna, “I’m giving my stuffed animals to my niece, everyone gets love.” She and her friends sat together in a circle with their plushies discussing their plans for the holiday and what to do with their bears.
Students had a variety of animals from which to pick. Some were creating stuff animals for relatives or significant others. Other made plushies to add decoration to their room. Sophomore,Tamarah Jones, said, “I am probably going to keep mine for myself. This was fun!”
When asked about the process of creating the stuffed animals Michelle Delaveaga said, “I just grabbed a bunch of stuff and put it together.”
Sophomore, Oscar Delgadillo said, “You know what this means to me? I’m giving it away to someone.” His group of friends started laughing with him. Some of his peers had lions and bears in their hands that were also potentially going to someone else to loved and appreciated. This event allowed students to create cuddly creatures to keep them warm this winter season.
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