Students Return to Penn State Amidst Pandemic

Penn State Brandywine students returning to live in Orchard Hall are following strict COVID-19 rules and regulations in order to keep themselves and others safe while on campus.

By: Scott Exler, Lion’s Eye Staff Writer, 

In August 2021, Pennsylvania State Brandywine welcomed its students back to campus despite the persistence of COVID-19 that is still active across the world. Students came back to classes and to the residence hall excited to be back in person again. 

Still, the questions were still being raised. Were the students going to be safe? What exactly are the rules with masks? Will the campus be able to remain open, or will an unfortunate incident close the school, forcing the students to leave campus and return to online courses? 

Lilly Villone, a sophomore who lives in Brandywine’s residence, Orchard Hall, said, “I wasn’t worried; I was excited. I know I’m safe, and as long as everyone follows the rules and wears masks, I feel safe.” She continued, “So far everyone has been following the rules, and I don’t hear anyone complaining. I think a lot of people thought they would constantly be wearing a mask, but that’s not the case.” Villone said that she was very confident in the school’s ability to keep everyone safe. Orchard Hall has continued to remain open. 

 Jill DiLucido, a Brandywine Learning tutor who works on campus, was worried about returning to campus. “I have spent the last two semesters working remotely with students; coming back has me worried.” DiLucido, who is vaccinated, said, “I talked to people about letting me still work online with students, however, I decided that I should give coming back a chance. I’m glad that I did; it feels so much more personable and is easier to connect with the students.” 

DiLucido continued, expressing how these new rules have expanded the “how” of tutoring and how she approaches it. “So many more students who live in the residence hall are open to tutoring. I don’t know if they are just trying to get out of their rooms, or they feel more comfortable behind a mask, but I have more students than ever.” 

 DiLucido explains that this keeps her busier, and since she likes to get out, and not be “trapped behind a mask” all day, will even offer to move the sessions outside. “It’s a great change of scenery, and students seem so much more relaxed when we get out there. They don’t have to wear the mask if they don’t want to, and it feels much more peer to peer.” 

While students are glad to be back to in person learning, there are still some who don’t want to, or can’t, return. So, while Penn State is taking steps towards “normalcy” there is still plenty of work to be done. 

Information about Penn State’ mask mandates and guidelines can be found on its health guidelines page or the keep learning page. 

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