
Brandywine Triumph in Final Home Game of the Season

By: Hunter Strafaci, Lion’s Eye Staff Writer, Two wins on the bounce for Brandywine, as the Lions beat Hazleton 2-0. A weighted pass into space from Gia Cetroni put Jess James one-on-one with the…

Christian Dale: Brandywine’s Allstar

By Thomas Kozuch, Lion’s Eye Staff Writer,  From zooming across the basketball court, to standing atop of the bleachers with a pen, paper, and microphone in hand, Brandywine alumni Cristian Dale is a man…

Sports are Back at Brandywine

By: Dillon Jones, Lion’s Eye Staff Writer,  The entire sports community has been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic leaving student-athletes and coaches wondering exactly what these changes mean for the future of college athletic recruiting.  At…

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