Blog 1 – This I believe… by Lauren Duncan

I believe in purpose, I believe we are all here for a reason and I believe we must find that reason ourselves. To be true to oneself and to believe in oneself are the greatest things a person can be and do.

Growing up I was told by my parents, teachers and other trusted adults to follow my dreams and do what I want to do, but I never really understood how important these words of advice were until I came to college. Being caught up by trivial teenage drama and the pressures that come with growing up I was not completely focused on myself, but more so on those around me and what they thought of me. I was not doing what I wanted to do; I was doing what I thought other people wanted me to do. If I was living my life to please others, then how was I finding out what I enjoy and what my purpose is?

A couple years ago I stumbled upon a quote by Joseph Campbell that completely changed my perspective on the world and those around me. “Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.” Life has no meaning until you make it have one, and whether your meaning of life involves something other people are completely uninterested in shouldn’t matter.

The concept of “life having no meaning” can seem dismal to say the least, but I find it liberating. There are no preconceived notions of something that you should be doing. What you should be doing is anything and everything that you feel like doing. Once I understood that there are no right or wrong answers to life, I felt infinitely less anxious and more at ease.

Believing in myself has given me confidence and power. I inspire myself to take on new challenges and explore different clubs, organizations and even jobs until I find my perfect fit. I’m comfortable asking questions and attempt to absorb as much information as possible. This is my life, so why should I waste it nervous and lost? I take pride in my actions and who I have become and will continue to be. I am my own biggest fan, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

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