Blog 1 Jessica Glomb

An ethical value I hold very dear to me is the meaning of hard work and taking initiative to do so.  Since I was a little girl, I watched my father work more than one job to keep us well off.  He couldn’t afford to go to college, so everything we were able to have was because he started at the bottom and worked for it himself.  I’ve always admired my father for this and in me he instilled this work ethic.  From this, I realize that nothing in life is handed to you.  Some people have their connections who will help along the way, but in my and my dad’s cases, everything we want we have gotten strictly ourselves.

I started working for my own money at 14 years old, and now at 20 years old, I’ve still never been without at least one job.  I’ve balanced two jobs throughout high school and am still working even at college, while remaining on the Dean’s list, at the head of 4 clubs, and keeping a thorough fitness routine.  I know what it is like to feel extremely overwhelmed, but at this age and after my life experiences, I realize that I will never have too much on my plate.  Of course I get a little too stressed sometimes and complain about how much I have going on.  When this does happen my friends typically say things like “You do this to yourself” or “Why do you have to be so involved?” or “Just drop out of a few things”.  Whenever I hear things like this I’m reminded and almost humbled with myself.  I realize that I’m able to do it, just like my dad.

I try to encourage my peers to get involved and take responsibility for their work.  Every time I have a meeting, I usually will ask one of my friends if they’d like to come and check the club out.  It makes me happy when I’m surrounded by people who are as driven and passionate about their futures as I am.

I’m known as the one who is “always busy” or “always in a meeting” but I don’t mind.  I like to stay busy while at home, but especially while here at school.  If my parents are paying give or take $50,000 per year for me to go here, why not make the most out of my time here and try to be as successful as I can?  It’s my mission to work as hard as I can and take initiative to do new things in order to one day come out of college with enough experience for a great job that I will love.

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