I believe patience is one of the hardest things to have in life. Ever since I was a little girl I struggled with patience. Patience is something that is not given to you, it is something as an individual you must work on. Patience is about tolerance, and the tolerance you allow yourself to have.
Growing up was always a little different for me and with that I needed patience. My older brother, Chris, has special needs. His needs were put before mine most of the time but that never bothered me. What did bother me was me being the “big sister” when I was supposed to be the little sister, with that I needed patience. I always was ahead in school and being the “big sister” I always wanted to help him with simple math problems that I had learned two years prior to him. To even teach a simple math problem like 3 + 5 = 8 I had to have patience with him.
For some it is hard to understand what it is like to live with special needs. I still try to understand it but it has gotten easier. For me patience started to come easier when I would allow myself tolerance. The tolerance of not getting frustrated. Frustration has become a distant quality for me. I was always becoming frustrated when I was younger when I helped with simple things that were hard for him. But as I got older I realized that I’m not the only one frustrated, he was frustrated too. Imagine your younger sibling bossing you around and annoying you when you are supposed to be the older one? But together we gained patience together and he and I have grown so much as siblings because of patience.
I believe patience is one of the greatest values you can have. Patience is something that throughout life will help you. Even when I came to college I would always think back to my roots and the patience I needed when I was younger. College is demanding and not as easy as I had thought. When you come to a school with 40,000 students and you have no idea what you want to do with your life you need patience. Patience has gotten me to where I am now. I needed patience when I wasn’t getting high marks in freshman year classes, where I was used to never studying for tests. I needed patience when I had no idea how to live on my own. I needed patience to figure out where my life was taking me.
I believe in patience.