Blog 1 — This I Believe… By Stephen Connelly

The value of credibility goes far beyond the field of news — it reaches a personal level no matter who you are and what you do.

Credibility isn’t just being accurate, and it isn’t just being truthful. Those things are part of your credibility, but go well beyond defining this quality.

Credibility is, quite literally, the “quality of being trusted and believed in.” That quality comes down to something simple, but means so much regardless of the level of a relationship between two people. If you can keep your word, strive to hold on to those promises, you have achieved the most important aspect of the quality of credibility.

Credibility, keeping your word, it comes down to that fundamental trust that’s built over time. You never start at the height of someone’s trust, but you can fall straight to the bottom of someone’s trust with one mistake, and any mistake is something that you may never recover from in someone’s eyes.

The saying is old, and probably a bit cliche, but trust is earned. It’s a fact that hits home, regardless of the situation you’re in. It’s not something that should be taken for granted, or taken advantage of, but should be appreciated and a goal a person strives for.

Whether you’re an overly trusting person or not, there’s always someone that you have faith in, and for me, those people are crucial to my mental psyche. I believe this because there are people that you have to put your faith in at some point in life, because if you can’t build that type of relationship, it isn’t a relationship that can thrive.

Trust in someone, and being able to keep your word to that same person, is the foundation that a relationship like a simple friendship is based on, where you believe that someone is going to be there for you when you truly need it, and hold true to returning that. It’s also the foundation that a relationship like a marriage is built on, where two people truly put their faith in each other that this one person will be there through every challenge.

Holding that trust from someone, as it is built over time, is key in any type of relationship. Wherever you’re at in life, whatever you’re doing, holding someone’s trust and fulfilling someone’s faith in you is paramount to being successful and happy — this I truly believe.

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One Response to Blog 1 — This I Believe… By Stephen Connelly

  1. qxj9 says:

    It would be better if you can insert a story about how credibility influences your life.

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