Two ethical issues:
The lectures and various case studies analyzed throughout this course provided me with the foundation needed to fully grasp the core ethical principles and values that Journalists are expected to uphold in the professional workforce. Two ethical conditions that particularly sparked my attention are a Journalists duty to avoid staged news, and to righteously serve the public by acting independently. According to SPJ code of ethics, “It’s vital to avoid misleading re enactments or staged news events. If reenactment is necessary to tell a story, label it” (SJP). Journalists should never get wrapped up in creating an entertaining story to acquire revenue and media publicity. Moreover, overdramatizing and altering aspects of the factual story lessons the credibility of the Journalist. Additionally, I learned that Journalists are required to work independently and avoid paying for access to news stories. Journalists must seek to produce objective news, by representing facts and shunning material incentives that could easily sway one’s opinion. While it may be tempting to coordinate with Public officials, advocacy groups, and informed citizens, it’s undeniably unethical for a Journalist to do so.
Impressive case study:
One case study that I found particularly interesting pertained to a local newspaper in Anderson County, Ky publishing drunk driving photos in their weekly circulation. The editors primary goal of his controversial actions was to reduce the growing epidemic of drunk driving incidents. However, after further analyzation of the case, greater harm was inflicted upon the community than good. While newspapers have the obligation to seek the truth and report it, disclosing mugshots and personal information publically humiliated both those convicted and the family members otherwise unassociated with the incidence. The journalists involved failed in their obligation to “minimize harm” by treating all members of the community as human beings deserving of respect.
Impact of COMM 409 and Reflection of Course:
The array of ethical considerations I have studied throughout the course, in combination with evaluating cases of wrongdoings detrimental to a Journalist’s career adequately provided me with a solid mindset to begin my career in the media industry. Although I’m currently unsure if If i’ll aim to work in the Public Relations or Journalism fields, I’m certain that my newly acquired skills will greatly benefit me in the long run. I truly enjoyed my semester as a Comm 409 student. The engaging classroom environment and inspirational words of wisdom spoken by our Professeur solidified my choice to embark upon an exciting and adventurous career in the near future.
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