This I Believe… in Trips to B Street by Lexington Trotta

The word “family” evokes many different emotions for different people. For some, family means a safe environment after a long day. For others, it can mean threats and danger. Families can be strong and secure, or they can be broken. They can be a combination of those things, or none of them at all. To me, the word “family” has a powerful meaning that induces happy memories, sad occasions and unique people. Above all, to me, family is a bond that cannot be broken.

A time that represents the meaning of family to me was the time I spent with my grandmother and her father. My grandmother and I would travel to his home every day during the summer time to take care of him. My great-grandfather had Alzheimer’s, so he could not do many tasks by himself. I was very young, so I did not understand that my grandmother was taking care of her father because he could not do so for himself. His home was located in Tennessee on a grassy hill on B street. He had no air conditioning and not much ventilation in his house. He did not have much food in his refrigerator and no cable on the T.V. I would always watch “Caillou” or “Between the Lions” until my grandmother needed my help.

I remember one specific time my great-grandfather wanted some food, so he asked my grandmother, Nettie, to make him some. “Nettie, make me some biscuits! I’m gonna look for some rabbits to make stew later,” he exclaimed. “I’m not making you no biscuits, but I’ll give you some apple sauce,” my grandmother said with exhaustion. I was so confused as to why my great-grandfather was saying these things. He had no gun to hunt for rabbits, and nothing to make stew with. We did not even have biscuits in the house. When I asked my grandmother why he wanted all of those things, she told me “sometimes the ones you love are going to have needs that you can’t satisfy, maybe because it isn’t healthy for them or you don’t have a way to give it to them. But if you love them, you will find a way to make them at peace with what they have, and if they love you back they will understand.”

I have always kept those word in the back of my mind. I have watched my family put food on the table when times were difficult. I have watched them lose jobs, have intense arguments, move out, and come back. Through all of these times I remembered my grandmother’s wise words. Although family may not be be able to give you all that you want or need, if you love them, you will understand, and vice versa. This is why I believe in my family, and trips to B street.


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