Blog 1- This I Believe… by Dominique Young

I believe in living life for yourself and never settling. Often times many may find themselves trying to please others. The term for this is a ‘people pleaser.’ In my opinion, this is the characteristic of a child. Children always want to please because of the fear of disappointing someone, so they always ask for approval. As you grow older you should be able to make decisions for yourself, no matter how anyone may feel. You live your life for yourself, and no one else. Living life for the satisfaction of others will often be the cost of your happiness. Another thing about life is never settle. In everything you do never settle for anything other than what you believe you deserve, settling will too be the cost of your happiness. I must admit it does anger others when you do what satisfies you instead of what they think you should do, but that’s why we have the cliché ‘live your life to the fullest.’


I remember growing up I always wanted be chef, so my plan after high school was to go to culinary school. My grandmother always argued that it wasn’t a reliable career to pursue, and I would say whatever career I choose to pursue is my choice because it’s my life to live. My mom would side with me, but also side with grandmother. Her response was always she has to choose her own path in life, but she’ll change her mind eventually. That back and forth game went on for a while. After my grandmothers passing, I was more than sure I would go on to become a chef and she would be proud of what I’ve become. Well, by the time I reached tenth grade I changed my mind. I wanted to study psychology, and it wasn’t because of what my grandmother thought of my career.


I chose psych because as child I never knew you couldn’t study culinary at four-year university. To me attending a four-year university meant even more than going to culinary. Going away to school, living on campus, and living basically on my own. I recall a time, when I was about six or seven. I tried to find a culinary major on the UCLA undergraduate website, and was completely dumbfounded when it wasn’t an option. So here I am years late my junior year majoring in broadcasting journalism. Who would’ve thought? It may not have been what I wanted in the beginning of life but it’s what I want now.


My grandmother would probably think she won me over, but I chose what I wanted to do every step of the way. If I would’ve conformed to her thoughts of what career I should pursue earlier on in life, I would’ve been disappointed in myself for giving in. I’m not doing what I thought I would at this age, but I’m doing what I want to do at this age. What I will be doing for the rest of my life. Living a life that satisfies me, never settling by living someone else’s version of my life.

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