I believe in being spontaneous
To many people, being spontaneous can be a frightening thing. Being spontaneous means challenging your boundaries and taking a risk. I personally have always been one who likes to follow a structured routine and sometimes straying from structure can be difficult and even scary. But some of the best memories of my life have been moments that occurred spontaneously with no planning or preparation and no thought put into what-so-ever. I believe that being spontaneous fills a life with irreplaceable memories
I have always been a person who likes structure. I like to make lists and follow a daily routine. But I have learned through experience that acting upon impulse doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. In fact, it can be a very important thing. Impulse is what drove me to step out of my comfort zone and discover new things on many occasions. One example being my decision to study abroad last Spring. About two months before I left I found a study abroad program in Alicante, Spain that was still accepting applications from students. I thought that breaking away from this small college town and going beyond my boundaries in a foreign country is just what I needed. So, within two months I was off to Spain. My experience abroad opened my eyes to a completely different style of life. I met amazing people, saw amazing things, and improved my Spanish language skills entirely. The experience inspired me to further pursue a career abroad, a goal I have been working towards ever since my return. This summer I will take one step further to reaching my goal by interning for eight weeks in Barcelona (another spontaneous decision of mine). Had I not impulsively decided to study abroad I may have never discovered this interest of mine. Being spontaneous can help one discover new passions that may have previously been hiding. Being spontaneous doesn’t have to be something as drastic as moving to a foreign country however. I have often felt so stressed out at school that I have taken last minute weekend trips to get away, or it can be as simple as changing up the route in which you walk to class, or trying out a different coffee shop. Whatever your idea of spontaneity means, I believe that straying from a structured routine every once in a while, is healthy for everyone’s sanity.
Doing the same thing over and over again drives me crazy and sometimes I rely on those “spur of the moment” decisions to take me on new adventures and discover new things. I think it is best put by a quote I once heard. I don’t know who said it but it really stuck out to me. “I’d like to believe that if you never think “What the hell did I just get myself into?” then you might not be doing life right”.