Blog 1- This I Believe… by Mercedes Fraistat

I have always believed that there is no one you need to impress besides yourself.

I always felt like I was given the short end of the stick. I had a hard time in high school, being bullied for how I looked, the way I talked, how passionate I was about the things I liked. I had friends but I never really felt like I belonged to a group. But I was always nice. I was always good to people and did my best in class and tried to impress everyone. My big thing in high school was: impress everyone- make everyone like you, and make them your friend.

Once I got to college I realized that wasn’t my mission. It would be too hard to impress everyone I ever met at Penn State. So I decided to impress myself. I got involved in things I was always interested in and tried to branch out. I was impressing myself, with my classwork and involvement. I was doing the best for myself.

I always thought I needed to impress my parents but I realized that no matter what I did, my parents would be impressed by me. I was in college. The first in my family to go to a four- year university, the first in my family to go to Penn State.

I worked my butt off to get where I am today. A few days away from hearing back from an amazing internship all because of how I’ve impressed myself during my time at Penn State. I was secretary of an organization for two years which leads me to be the Vice President of that organization now. I have impressed myself with my knowledge of social media which has lead me to be the Social Media Manager for the organization.

I’ve impressed myself and that’s all that matters. When you’re impressing yourself, you’re happy and at peace. Which is what I am now.

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