Part 1: situation definition
Diversity is defined as the state of being different and including variety, “including representative from more than one social, cultural, or economic group, especially members of ethnic or religious minority groups” (Merriam-Webster’s 1999). Being diverse is very important in the newsroom. Sage Journals argue for news diversity by stating the “standard—that all media reports should provide multiple, competing, equally strong frames—may avoid the normative concerns that arise from single-framed media reports. Multiple frames at least provide audiences with a choice of perspective on political issues, allowing them to form opinions in closer accordance with their values—or, moderating their opinions after hearing arguments arising from different sets of values or factual information.” (Beattie 2017). It is important for journalist to be diverse in their reporting to make sure they cover all areas of news issues in their work. Like Sage Journals stated, by being diverse the audience is able to see things from multiple points of views and are able to shape their opinions based on all the facts provided.
Recently there has been a rise in hate crimes in America. Minorities groups like Jewish Americans, African Americans, and Hispanic Americans have all seen acts of violence against their communities. It is important for news stations to report on these issues to bring awareness of these violent acts. Australian Screen Education reports “most citizens rely on the media to provide them with the information they need to form their attitudes about racial, cultural and religious diversity. Inclusive coverage can bring people together, just as myopic and stereotypical coverage can drive them apart.” (Miller, 2001). Miller reported how it became obvious that the growing diversity was not being reflected in daily news coverage. This was a problem because minorities were only being covered when they were the ones committing the violence, not when violence was being committed against them. This made the public view minority groups in certain ways, usually not in a good one. Because of this it is important to be diverse and cover minority groups more thoroughly
Part 2: Analysis:
Diversity is especially important in the news because it gives everyone a voice. Recently hate acts have become more popular in the United States. For example on Sunday October 29th a white man tried to enter a predominantly black church in Kentucky with the intent to kill. After not being able to enter the church the shooter went to a nearby grocery store and shot and killed two black men in the parking lot. The day before this eleven Jewish adults were shot and killed while attending Shabbat services Saturday morning. Right before the shooting the attacker entered the synagogue and stated all Jews must die. These are just two examples of the many attacks that have taken place on minorities within America recently.
It is important for journalist to post objectively on hate. In class we discussed how journalists should feel free to say and challenge people to believe other views. If journalists did not report on these issues the public would not be aware of what is going on in our communities. The Australian Screen Education says in order to cover diversity you have to “accept the challenge of covering groups in society that you may be unfamiliar with and that are often ignored or stereotyped by the mainstream media.” (Miller, 2001). It also states to find a strategy to fairly and accurately cover these groups. By doing this minority groups get the coverage they deserve and become fully represented in the media.
Part 3: conclusion
It is important to discuss the issues of diversity because they are very prevalent in society. Minority groups are often left out of the media or portrayed in a way that makes them look “different” from the normal society. Minority groups have seen a rise in hate crimes within America. This may be because of the lack of coverage they get in the media. It is important to be complete and critical in covering diversity issues so you don’t add to the trauma. It is also important to show different sides of the story when covering issues of diversity to make sure people can see the “whole picture” and form their thoughts off all the information possibly available. This is extremely important because like Miller reported most minority groups are represented wrongly in the media, only being portrayed when they are committing crimes. Because of this the media sets a tone for how minority groups act.
It is critical to be diverse so the public has all available information on different groups and viewpoints within society. Without being diverse the audience is blinded from seeing things from multiple points of views and are then limited to shaping their opinions. This is how stereotypes form within society. I think diversity coverage in the media is a rising problem and more newsrooms need to learn how to shape their stories to cover a more wide area of topics. Diversity is not just race, religious group, or ethnicity. It is also gender, economic groups, and anything that separates people from the society created “norm”. It is important to give everyone a voice and portray everyone equal in the media. Because of this diversity is a very important ethical consideration when reporting.
Part 4: references
Beattie, P., & Milojevich, J. (2017). A Test of the “News Diversity” Standard. International Journal of Press/Politics, 22(1), 3–22.
Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary,1999. Retrieved from
Miller, J. (2001). Covering Diversity. Australian Screen Education, (25), 42. Retrieved from