Brian McLaughlin – Blog 5 Reflection

  1. One of my favorite sections of this class was our discussion of the movie Shattered Glass and its case study. I felt this was a great introduction into ethics and the course especially in media. The movie was intriguing and kept my attention as well as a linking perfectly with our course. The other part of the class that I really enjoyed was our discussion of ethical decision making involved with photojournalism. I had never thought about many influential pictures in this manner and felt it was truly thought provoking. Many of those decisions have to be made quickly and photographers have a tough job to decide what is ethically correct.
  2. My favorite case study we discussed in class was Brian Williams and his quest to regain viewer trust. He committed such a large scale ethical error and yet has been able to climb back into the national spotlight. This is impressive, but should still be a warning how even a tweak of the truth can truly destroy a career. I was interested in how he has rebuilt the career and rebounded from an grave ethical mistake.
  3. In general I found this course exceptionally beneficial, especially in my future career involving sports journalism. The most important part to me that I feel I will be able to use is the section discussing sources in journalism. Especially in sport sources are so vital so I enjoyed the class discussions about the ethical way to go about creating sources and using sources. In my life I will often think back to our discussions on ethics when making decisions myself. While I have not yet encountered any major ethical decisions in my sports journalism career thus far, I’m sure I will be presented the opportunity at some point, and because of this class I am confident I will make the correct decision.
  4. This course was extremely impactful for me because of how useful it will be when I am making decisions in real life. I did not realize how quickly many of the decisions needed to be made. Many ethical dilemmas have to be decided with snap choices, especially involving journalism. Personally I really enjoyed our discussions and debates in class. I felt they were respectful but also people were able to express themselves. While I did not always enjoy the case studies, I definitely learned a lot about whatever I was researching. I expect to use a lot of what I learned in this course throughout the rest of my career and life and reflect back on what we discussed during any difficult ethical dilemma.
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