I believe in overcoming any obstacle that comes in your way. These can come in may forms. I have had to overcome the death of a parent, changes in many schools, and being the lonely kid for a time. When I was nine years old, I lost my father to a secret battle to cancer. Not only was this shocking but devastating for a nine year old kid to handle. I was then uprooted out of my home to a new town, new school, and completely different environment. I was out of my comfort zone, and over an hour away from the rest of my family. The longer I stayed at that school the easier it was to make friends and actually be happy where I was. I no longer had resentment towards my environment, mother, or people around me. Once I let go of any animosity that I felt trapped, I was a lot happier kid and began to become the person I truly wanted to be when I am older.
In middle school, I lost more of my friends to changes in school or social hierarchies. These cliques were especially prominent in middle/high school. But once again having to overcome my comfort zone, I was forced to make friends in the right places to actually be able to have a good time. By the end of high school, I made the absolute best friend group to who I would consider family. I then went to The University of Pittsburgh, because it was very close and I did not want to leave my friends who all went to school nearby. However, like most times in my life, I am never in one place for too long and decided to transfer to Penn State. The program at Pitt was sub par to what it is at PSU. I had to realize that what is comforting is not always the best for you as a person.
This lead me to move 3 hours away from everybody that I became friends with and my family once again. I have made more friends up here who will last a lifetime. Sometimes when you only do things because it makes you feel safe can be very constricting and hold you back in life. I believe that if you overcome obstacles in your way, it is part of the journey to finding happiness. I believe you can find joy and closure over that next obstacle that is in your way.