When I finished watching movie Shattered Glass, I got shocked and I was captured by his brilliant fake methods. Beyond doubt, he is a very smart guy who could become a great journalism possibly, but he chose another way to let himself become famous rapidly.
He did not obey authenticity of journalism and he never admit he was wrong thoroughly; he did wrong things again and again.
I think Shattered Glass did that because of he wants to be famous and his vanity control himself. He may notice that was wrong at the very beginning Chuck talked with him about a Republican young people convention article, but his vanity pushed him to fake another article soon. There are many scenes can prove of this, he really enjoys that when people adore and praise him, so he lost himself. McNair Brian (2009) “Central to the role of journalism in liberal democracies is the degree of trust extended by publics to its producers. To be authoritative, and thus to be the effective scrutineer of power, the witness to and analyst of complex reality, there must be trust in journalism’s reliability, accuracy and honesty.” Shattered Glass just faked everything, so he did not obey any three of those central points.
His ideas deviate from those of a real journalist, he thought “a good story; accuracy’s only half of it”, it was his perception lead him to become a liar. Ivor Shapiro (2016) “Reporters failed to “measure their decisions and actions against their mission as a public trust” and a commitment to truth as a primary value. Instead, these decision-makers were “blinded by journalism’s lesser values,” meaning career ambitions and “the thrill of getting a good story.” Journalist should understand their core value, it is not about how to make a fiction, it is record something real exited.
If I face some problems like this, I may change myself at the beginning when I make similar mistake, there are already somebody tell me it’s not a good thing to do. I may just follow the instructions and try my best to do something I should do. Spurlock, Jefferson (2016) “Fox News Channel host Howard Kurtz, Lisheron (2007), “Lying, deceiving and fabricating are hardly legitimate journalistic methods…No matter how good the story, lying to get it raises as many questions about journalists as their subjects.”” I will choose to reach what I want without some dirty tricks.
I think through my efforts should realize my dreams. If I was Glass, I admitted my mistakes first time and I will never do that again. Not necessarily so that I will soon become a very successful journalist, I think I can reach my goal little by little. Walking on a crooked way is not a method to become success, this is what I leant from this movie.
SPURLOCK, J. (2016). Why Journalists Lie: The Troublesome Times for Janet Cooke, Stephen Glass, Jayson Blair, and Brian Williams. ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 73(1), 71–76. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ufh&AN=125698524&site=ehost-live&scope=site
McNair, B. (2009). Trust Me, I’m a Journalist: Shattered Glass and the Crisis of Trust in Liberal Journalism. Conference Papers — International Communication Association, 1. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ufh&AN=45286991&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Shapiro, I. (2006). Why They Lie: Probing the Explanations for Journalistic Cheating. Canadian Journal of Communication, 31(1), 261–266. https://doi-org.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/10.22230/cjc.2006v31n1a1595