Bio Card- Will Bodycot



Bio Card

NAME: Will Bodycot

AGE: 20 HOMETOWN: Newark, DE

  1. Why choose this course and what do you expect to learn from this course?

I chose this course because even though it was a class that was recommended by my advisor that I take for my major, I was fascinated by the idea of studying media ethics in a classroom setting. I have taken other communication courses before, including communications 260W that made a point to emphasize how media and ethics must go hand in hand. This course, however, seems to truly get at the heart of what it means to fully incorporate media ethics into a professional and personal fashion. I come from a mindset where I seek empathy for every human being, and learning about how to ethically go about the profession that I wish to ascend to is very important to me. I hope when I leave this class that being ethical will not just be information that I learned, but a way of living that I have embodied. I want to learn what it truly means to be an ethical individual. It is important to me that I also be perceived as this type of person, which is why I think this will be a very helpful class for me in both my academic and professional career. 


  1. How many hours do you think you can devote to this course in a typical week?

I can devote approximately five hours to this class in a typical week. I will be able to use my time to thoroughly read through the material required of our class. I will also be able to use my time to read back over the notes I have of the lecture, go over any videos we may watch, as well as look at materials that I want to reinforce with more research. I will also be working extensively on my blogs, as well as quizzes. It will be my goal to really absorb the benefits that this class has to offer.


  1. What qualities make you think you will make good use of social media or not for business or career purposes (not personal use)?

I think the qualities that will allow me to make good use of social media for my business or career is my understanding of what will spread information as quickly as possible to reach a broad audience. I understand that it is important for a business or a media entity to reach as large an audience as possible. I have practiced the ability to see what will make other users spread information from any social media account in use to most effectively grow a brand and spread influence. I also have the knowledge of what to put out on social media and what not to, so as to appeal to a broad enough consumer base while in turn making the most of the amount of influence I can have on many social media platforms.

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