Blog 1

My mother raised me to never say anything out of spite, ever. I try to keep that in mind and live by those words every day. She first introduced me to the concept when I was maybe six years old. I wanted to get Burger King one night on our way home, and she told me that we would be having dinner at home. I got mad, and said something along the lines about how I was not going to hug her ever again, purely to make her upset for not letting me get Burger King. She could tell, and then later that night, we had a long talk about what it means to be a good person. 


“Saying something spiteful makes you a spiteful person. You are not a spiteful person. I did not raise you that way,” she said to me. My mother explained spite to me as doing or saying something with the sole intention of making someone angry or upset. She said that good people do not spite, and never try to intentionally hurt other people. 


As an adult, I still live by the principle of never acting in a spiteful manner. Having been the subject of spiteful words and even actions in the past, it causes more pain knowing it was all done intentionally. Furthermore, I believe being spiteful is one of the worst qualities someone could have, and do not want to seem like a person who is spiteful. 


In middle school, one of my classmates once told me that my new haircut made me look ugly, which, of course is not a very nice thing to say at all. It made me a bit upset, but I brushed it off. Then, people came up to me for the rest of the day, telling me the same thing. This individual had went to all of their friends, and told them to walk up to me, just to tell me my haircut made me look ugly. They did this purely to make me upset, which is what made it hurt more. If I know it had been done as some kind of joke, it probably wouldn’t have made me very upset. Knowing that it was done with the sole intention of making me feel bad only made me feel worse, and it made me think that the individual who started it was a terrible person. 


I would never want to intentionally make someone feel the way I did that one day, and I especially do not want people to think I am a bad person because I do things like that. Because of that, I have, and always will make an effort not to spite others. 

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