Blog 1- This I Believe…By Joseph De Cesaris

I Believe in Responsibility. I keep responsibility with me every day of my life because with responsibility comes great rewards and with learning responsibility you can never go wrong. One personal story I have about this value is when I received my first promotion at a job.

When I was 19 years-old I worked in between to jobs one at a golf course and one and a country club pool. Even though I had two different jobs I had the same manager who didn’t like me at first because I was confident in my abilities for the job. They however believe I wasn’t responsible enough to do both jobs and wasn’t capable of doing both jobs for him sufficiently.

Through the summer I worked as much as possible and took 10 hour shifts during the hardest of days for each business and was not irresponsible with my work ever. I constantly did this for my boss for the next 2 months of summer constantly showing him I was able to do both jobs for him whenever he needed my assistant I was able to be there.

Then the end of the year came and my manager decide she wanted to leave the country club and work only one job show she went to her boss and give him options of people to take over and in the next week I got a call from him and he offered me her job. I then called her asked her why she chose me and she said because you showed you were capable of taking on a heavy load when it came to work and not cracking under pressure when it came down to the dire points that we needed when working rough days and holidays. After my phone call with my old manager I called my boss back and was ready to accept my new responsibility in my promotion and be ready to see the new challenges this position was going to take me.

This job showed me way more then responsibility it showed me hard work and determination. It showed me that I was capable of showing people I can be responsible and work long hours and constantly be able to help a business. After this I knew I needed responsibility in my life, I realized that I want to take control of my actions and take control of my work ethic when at a job.

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