Blog #1 This I Believe: For The Love of The Game By Kyle Cugini

I have always believed that sports, particularly baseball, to be a driving factor in what defines who I am as a person. Baseball is my heart and soul and it has changed my life and allowed me to create and establish so many incredible memories and friendships that I know will last a lifetime. I didn’t used to always believe that though, in fact when I was younger I hated sports and baseball with a passion. I thought the game was boring and a waste of time, it didn’t give me joy to watch or play and I hated every second of being around it. 

That all changed because of one simple kind gesture by one of the most important people in my life: my grandmother.

One cold fall night when I was 13 years old at my grandparents house I started looking around due to boredom. I came across an old light brown-ish colored baseball. The baseball had two signatures on it and I began examining it closely. My grandmother saw me from afar fascinated by the baseball and walked over to me. She explained who signed the baseball, what they did for the game of baseball, and the memories they created for her. She told me to take baseball home with me, she said she had enjoyed it long enough and it was now someone else’s turn. 

During the weeks that I followed I began to read everything baseball related I could get my hands on. I was astonished at the rich history of the game and fascinating by the current standings of the game as well. I still think about the moment often when my grandmother passed down that signed baseball to me. 

I had no idea how much that moment would change my life forever. It led me to start playing baseball again and watch every Yankees game I could. It led me to connect to people that have become lifelong friends. I truly believe it led me to become a more thoughtful and caring person as well. Baseball has created memories I cherish more than anything in the world; moments that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Since that moment a young 13 year old me received that signed baseball I have believed in the game of baseball; I truly believe in the love of the game.


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