I believe that anything is possible.
Throughout my entire life I have always been told that anything could be achieved if you really wanted it, and that is something that has stuck with me for some time. Initially, I didn’t pay much attention to that idea or take it too seriously, but as I have gotten older I have realized that it is very true. I have realized that nothing is set in stone in regards to your future, and that we all have the power to change our reality if we choose to do so. I believe that we as people have full control over our destiny and what comes of our life, and that idea is very invigorating. That idea has given me a lot of strength as well as a greater sense of purpose in life. The idea that one has total control over one’s path provides a great sense of ownership as well as anxiety. Being from Boulder, Colorado, I decided that I wanted to move across the country and take control of my life on my own and really challenge myself. Since I got admitted into Penn State, I have felt in control of my own life as I have ever felt, and I further believe that from here on out anything is possible.
I want to be a journalist when I graduate from Penn State, which is a very cut throat industry where jobs are scarce and competition is high. But over the last couple years I have embraced that challenge through hard work in order to gain experience in a field that I am truly passionate about. The feeling that anything is possible helps keep the negative and deterring thoughts out of my mind about the future and allows me to truly pursue my goals. This belief also adds an exciting sense of ambiguity to life, as I see myself as a spontaneous person that would like to experience as much of the world as possible.