Life in Quarantine
Quarantine has been an experience I never want to have again. I live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and let’s just say my community is taking all precautions. They want to make sure the spreading of this disease is stopped as soon as possible. So I will talk about what are some ways they are doing that in my community, and what I think about them and whether or not it was the right decision to do in the situation. Also how my family is taking this experience and how they are reacting to it.
First thing I notice my community due was close any store that was consider essential under law. Then more and more stores closed and restaurants started to not let anyone in there store to prevent more spreading of the disease. This made eating and getting food more and more difficult because of stores constantly being out of supplies of either food or cleaning items. So it took longer to find food we needed and the right items for the household. More and more people started to show cases of the disease in our area so this week they started a lockdown where you can’t leave the house unless it is for essential items. This disease is serious and in my area it can be shown so by staying a good distance away can benefit everyone. The person I think in my family that’s taking this serious the most is my mom. She always makes sure we aren’t leaving the house and making sure we keep ourselves clean as much as possible.
I Choose this picture for my communities situation because Philadelphia is working on protecting the homeless who can’t protect themselves right now. Also that Philadelphia is trying to find and area where they can put the homeless because they are trying to protect everyone they can and the best way to do that is to try and get as much people off the street as much they can. Also that people are scared here and by getting people off the street it will create less stress for citizens. An examples of a person that believes this is my mom. She told me this news and she was overjoyed she wants the world to get healthy again and by helping the homeless find a roof over their head is helping stop the spread of the disease little by little.
By the city of Philadelphia going on lockdown it truly helps the world it is a sacrifice that everyone has to make to make sure this disease vanishes as fast as it came. Also, that with the help of my family and friends we will get through this problem as fast as possible My experience with this disease is one of a kind in my lifetime. Also a experience I never want to face again.