The past few weeks have been a time of uncertainty, as our entire globe faces an unprecedented challenge. The Covid 19, or coronavirus, outbreak is a global pandemic that is effecting millions everywhere. Each and every country is in an upward battle against the virus, and the future is very unknown. We are hearing over and over that we as citizens have a very important role in this fight; wash your hands, stay home, and social distance. On a personal level, my family is fine, sticking to the rules, trying our best to do out part, and obviously trying not get sick. I live in West Chester, PA, and although our conditions are not as bad as other areas, my family is still taking this very seriously. My dad, sister, brother, and I, have been cooped up at home, however my mom plays a very important role during this time.
My mother is nurse, and although she is not in the hospitals treating coronavirus patients head-on, she stills has a very important role. My mother is a nurse at a Camila Hall which can best be described as a retirement home for old nuns. No one in the facility has yet to be infected, however, because most of the nuns are in their 80s to late 90s and have various health conditions, they are at extremely high risk for getting sick. These nuns are some of the sweetest and kindest people I have meet, and desperately need the cooperation of everyone so that they say safe. Camila Hall has taken various precautions to keep the nuns safe by suspending visitors, no longer holding daily mass for the public, and requiring all care takers to wear masks and gloves.
Even though it is just my mother going into work everyday, each member of my family plays a part. If my mother were to contract the virus and go into work, she could easily infect hundreds of nuns with comprised immune systems, and this would not end well. Because of this, my family is making sure that we all do our best to stay safe so that we do not then pass the virus onto our mother. My dad and brother are working home, and although it is a challenge, it is necessary. My sister and I are staying at home, resisting the urge to meet up with friends. Even “social distancing” with friends is too risky. Although this time is very different for all of us and at times may seem extreme, it is so important to do out small part to help save those who are at high risk.
Making sure my mom stays healthy is so important, not only so she doesn’t spread the virus to high risk patients, but also because her patients depend on her for care. All our health care workers deserve so much respect and admiration for what they are doing during this time. I have so much respect for my mom because she is playing such an important role in helping those in need. Having her stress the importance of staying healthy and staying home so that she can properly do her job has made this experience very real for me and my family. I believe that these next few weeks will be hard for us all, but it is necessary to so do what we can so that we can get through this. This situation has taught me how just one thing I do during this time could effect hundreds of people who may not be able to put up a fight. Even though I am healthy and young, I need to think of all those who aren’t and need our cooperation. If we all do our small part, we can make a huge impact.