Reflections on this Course

As a result of taking up this class, I have concluded a number of ethical aspects that remain to be a lesson for journalists. Deception and truth-telling is a universal moral issue that affects professionals in the journalism field. Fraud in journalism involves a process of gathering information or reporting different aspects. Honesty in terms of truth-telling remains an ethical issue as a journalism professional offers individual an opportunity to use undercover reporting and hidden cameras during data collection and information gathering for uncooperative or sensitive topics. I believe that deception is an ethical concern because truth is a common value that cements human relations. In many ancient stories have reinforced on ethical lessons for notable characters as a result of failing to tell the truth or being deceitful. I have also learned that truth-telling entails the use of accuracy in providing fair and balanced.  By understanding the truth, the marginalized communities and less privileged community needs’ are well represented to the public and government for best advocacy to receive maximum support without bribing themselves.

Seeking the greatest happiness for a larger population is an ethical principle that I have observed to be crucial during this course. This principle is influenced by Mills principle of the utility who believes that happiness is indeed achieved through the promotion of pleasure and minimization of pain through journalism practices. Ethically, journalism practices should seek t promote happiness among a given population through a careful emphasize on publics values that are high regard such as outstanding health, inter friendships, and increased knowledge among the masses. In enhancing happiness and pleasure, it is morally right to prioritize al the goals and desires of a community and consider consequences that will improve a more excellent balance of good over evil. I have therefore discovered that in promoting greater good, journalists practices should be guided by the ability to manifest best or positive consequences towards the welfare of human beings.

Withholding information case study manifested by CNN in Baghdad present common issues affecting the media and mass communication. It surprisingly shocks me that a news anchor or reported can have the audacity to withhold information in regards to brutality, mass killing and any other social justices as a way of protecting the states name. In 2003, it was revealed that Eason Jordan, CNN gathering president knowing failure to disclose news on Iraqi brutalities and atrocities that influenced the state of peace and stability for 12 years. Impressively, the news president came out in defense citing that he did so as a way of safeguarding his safety and those of other employees after realizing threats by Iraqi government to kill CNN employees if news of brutality were made public.

Ethical concerns must be followed to work out for the safety of global sustainability. Doing absolutely what is right is considered to be ethical and is a fulfillment of one’s purpose because the consequences inform the quality of life for the public and the world at large. Secondly, ethical considerations in mass and public communications should adopt Corporate communications in increasing awareness among the public without fear of manipulation or bringing panic among masses. Corporate communication focuses on ethical considerations towards peace and stability for the benefit of a journalist career and the states. Social influencing is also a career aspiration that has been developed further through this course with the knowledge gained on truth-telling and deception.

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