Author Archives: bxm5226

Blog 5- Class Reflections

It may appear self-aggrandizing but my favorite ethical issue discussed this year was brought up during our group’s Case Study. The crux of the presentation centered around anonymous sourcing in the social media era. Specifically, we looked into a false … Continue reading

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Lessons Learned from Leonning

The best lecturers are the ones that leave you with more questions about a topic then you had prior to the talk began. Using this criteria, Carol Leonnig was very successful in her October 28th talk as part of the Foster-Foreman … Continue reading

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Shattered Glass

Stephen Glass was known to pen news articles that drew people in because of their “wow-factor” and unbelievability. And people ended up having a right to not believe his stories. He was fired from his gig and has been disgraced in … Continue reading

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Blog 1 – This I believe…by Brendan May.

Pride is at the root of every decision I make and it’s the principle I value the most in myself and in others. We can only see the world through one set of eyes, we can only think using one … Continue reading

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