Author Archives: Justin Korman

Blog 4 – Reflections on This Course by Justin Korman

One important ethical lesson I learned in COMM409 was to avoid even the perception of a conflict of interest. It’s not enough to simply avoid actual conflicts of interest, which can include freebies, secondary income, and personal relationships. Even if … Continue reading

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When State College Isn’t State College Anymore by Justin Korman

Growing up in State College, I’m used to being here after the students leave. When I was younger, my family and I would enjoy going downtown during summers and winter break because it was pleasantly quiet, largely free from students. … Continue reading

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Blog 2 – “Shattered Glass” by Justin Korman

Situation In Shattered Glass, reporter Stephen Glass deceives the readership and the editorial staff of The New Republic magazine. Based on a real-life story, Glass is caught making up quotes, people, locations, and entire stories. He is fired in disgrace, … Continue reading

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Blog 1 – This I Believe … by Justin Korman

A common principle in business is that it is infinitely more cost-effective to keep an existing customer than acquire a new one. This principle applies to relationships as well. I believe in loyalty, founded on trust. As a journalist, to … Continue reading

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