Author Archives: yil5446

Class Reflection

I have learned a lot of ethical issues through out this course, and I think the two important ethical lessons are in invasion of privacy and conflict of interests. There are a lot of times that news had to do … Continue reading

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Blog 4 – What is appropriate to show the public

Journalists have reported the Boston Marathon Bombing attack in so many different ways right after the attack. The reason why I wanted to bring up the ethical issues in the news is because I think in some ways media has … Continue reading

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Blog 3

Pultizer winner Carol Leonnig spoke on October 28, in the Foster auditorium of the 33rd installment conference. Carol Leonnig, Washington Post reporter talked about the ethical issue that occurred during her investigation on the Secret Service group during Barack Obama’s … Continue reading

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Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass is a movie about a journalist, Stephen Glass, who fabricated most of his news stories, he wrote on events that never had occurred, and the articles was published on The New Republic. He fabricated his story based on … Continue reading

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This i believe

“How can you forgive if it hurts so much?” This was the question I always ask my dad when he taught me how to forgive. Forgiving is the lesson that I have been learning since I was young, and I … Continue reading

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