Category Archives: C409Blogs

Blog 4 – A Reflection on COMM 409 by Tayvon Mays

Introduction I have learned so many valuable lessons and ethics throughout this semester. I am highly grateful for what I’ve been taught and I will use these lessons that I have learned for future endeavors and opportunities. I thoroughly enjoyed … Continue reading

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Blog 4 – Reflection on Comm 409 by Kyle Cugini

Two Ethical Lessons: Over the course of this unprecedented semester filled with twists and turns I have come to learn incredible ethical lessons and case studies that have helped further my education and understanding of the subject. One ethical issue … Continue reading

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Reflection Blog – Hyunjae Seo

Among important lessons as a journalist we learned in the class, I would say that honesty as a journalist and intervention are important as a reporter. First, we learned one of the most significant duty of the journalists in the … Continue reading

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Blog 4 – Reflections on This Course by Justin Korman

One important ethical lesson I learned in COMM409 was to avoid even the perception of a conflict of interest. It’s not enough to simply avoid actual conflicts of interest, which can include freebies, secondary income, and personal relationships. Even if … Continue reading

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Coronavirus global attacks and reaction in South Korea

From early February, Coronavirus got viral in South Korea, especially in Daegu.  Fortunately, in Seoul, where my family lives, it was not the one the coronavirus is extremely serious; therefore, I somewhat could be relieved of my family’s safety while … Continue reading

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Stuck. Quiz 2. Victoria Cacciotti

The world completely stopped when COVID-19 broke loose. COVID-19 known as the “coronavirus.” The coronavirus has affected over thousands of people in the world; however, in my hometown, Johnstown, PA, the first case broke yesterday. The corner of Franklin and … Continue reading

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Our New Reality – Gianna Delli Gatti

Beginning As the seriousness of Covid19, or more widely known as the Coronavirus, was being discussed there was one main concern of mine, my spring break trip to Cabo. I know it sounds selfish, but living in our bubble in … Continue reading

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When State College Isn’t State College Anymore by Justin Korman

Growing up in State College, I’m used to being here after the students leave. When I was younger, my family and I would enjoy going downtown during summers and winter break because it was pleasantly quiet, largely free from students. … Continue reading

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Blog for Quiz two: Outbreak: How the Coronavirus has impacted my life by Kyle Cugini

Unprecedented is the word that keeps coming to my head every time I see the news or look out into the world. Everything happening is truly unprecedented and even as I write this blog I truly cannot believe this is … Continue reading

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Blog 2 – Shattered Glass – Victor Cervantes

Situation Throughout the movie, “Shattered Glass,” the story was able to depict a perfect situation in which a journalist completely disregards codes of ethics to obtain personal satisfaction and interest from the general public. One ethical message that I can … Continue reading

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Blog 2 – Shattered Glass by Hyunjae Seo (Jane)

Part 1: Situation Definition   A journalism is “the independent act of gathering and disseminating information, in which the practitioner, is dedicated to seeking the truth, and owes first loyalty to the consumers of the information” according to the textbook, … Continue reading

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Shattered Glass… By Victoria Cacciotti

Part 1. Situation Definition  In the movie, Shattered Glass, Stephen Glass works at the New Republic. He reports about these unique stories. However, he has completely made up his stories and he ends up getting fired from the New Republic. Glass … Continue reading

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Blog 2 – “Shattered Glass” by Justin Korman

Situation In Shattered Glass, reporter Stephen Glass deceives the readership and the editorial staff of The New Republic magazine. Based on a real-life story, Glass is caught making up quotes, people, locations, and entire stories. He is fired in disgrace, … Continue reading

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Blog 2 – Shattered Glass by Kyle Cugini

Lies, cheating, and deception; these are the characters that define who Stephen Glass was and potentially still is long after his firing and removal of being a journalist for the The New Republic.  The film Shattered Glass chronicles Stephen Glass’ … Continue reading

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This I Believe… by Hyunjae Seo (Jane)

I believe in Responsibility. As a person grows up, he or she automatically learns the importance of managing a work initiatively and leadingly without expecting other’s help or leaning on other people. Through practicing to be responsible on one’s behaviors, … Continue reading

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