Dr. Z

Dr. Zhong is an associate professor with tenure, faculty member of the ICT4D Consortiumat Penn State, senior research fellow of the John Curley Center for Sports Journalism, and faculty affiliate of the Media Effects Research Lab at the College of Communications, the Pennsylvania State University. At Penn State, he teaches the following courses:

COMM 409 – News Media Ethics

COMM 410 – International Mass Communications

COMM 419 – World Media Systems

COMM 465 – TV Reporting

COMM 597A – Social Media Research Seminar

PSU9 – Social Media for Social Change

Dr. Zhong is an avid user of information communication technologies who teaches and does research on the impact of ICT, such as social media and mobile media devices, on human interaction. His recent research focuses on how information flows empower vegetable farmers and vegetable supply chain, and how cancer parents enhance life quality by using social media. His has been published in Journal of Communication, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Mass Communication and Society, Computers in Human Behavior, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, Newspaper Research Journal, American Behavioral Scientist and International Journal of Sports Communication.

Before he joined the Penn State faculty, he had been a journalist for one decade at China Daily in Beijing, CNN Washington Bureau and CNN World Center in Atlanta. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland – College Park, and a Master’s degree in broadcast journalism from the School of Journalism, University of Missouri-Columbia. Please also view Bu Zhong’s faculty webpage at the College of Communications, Penn State.

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