Blog 4 Priscilla Balseca


I was privileged enough to have the opportunity to attend the Foster-Forman Conference. The event consisted of the great and talent Guest- speaker David Finkel. Finkel is a very well known journalist; he is predominantly recognized for engaging himself to report on Baghdad during 2007.

I don’t believe there is or will ever be a prefect journalist, being a member of the press is very controversial and regardless of the situation, it will involve ethical issues some may agree of disagree.

I thought that Finkel expressed his intelligence very well. I really enjoyed the structure of his lesson. I believe in order to understand the process of something one must always start with the basics. I thought it was very engaging to start off his lesson with ethical issues. A journalist wants to make sure that they understand what‘s newsworthy and what is harming the audience.

One very important quote that a think any entry level journalist should acknowledge is “You can’t protect yourself from what you’re trying to immerse yourself in, why even bother?” Finkel worded it very well. It is relevant for a reporter to understand that they will be stuck in situations where they will need to defend all of the facts they are printing. I really felt like he helped me as well as the audience gain confidence in the field and gain knowledge

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