Kevin L. France…Weekly Story Idea #6

Weekly Story Idea 6


The Focus:


According to a recent study by the College of Medicine at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, Thyroid cancer cases are increasing faster in the state of Pennsylvania than any other state in the nation. The data was taken from a national database called the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Research, and it showed that there is a 25.5 percent rise in white women getting thyroid cancer and a 17.7 percent increase in black women since 1973. In men however, the rise was up by 8 percent.


People in the story:


The people in the story that I will be focusing on are residents living in the local area that have Thyroid cancer and people that have had it in the past. I will also try to contact the College of Medicine at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center to ask any doctors to give us their professional opinion as their professional knowledge on the topic.


Key Details:


The key details in this story will come mostly from the interviews that I will conduct from the doctors at the Medical Center. Finding out the reasoning behind the increase in thyroid cancer victims and why does it affect a larger amount of women than men will be important details for my viewers to know in the story. One thing I would like to find out from these professionals is how can you prevent or lower your risk of getting thyroid cancer and what steps should be taken to get this number lower.


Beginning: To start the story, I will tell the viewers about the rising number of Thyroid cancer cases in the state of Pennsylvania and provide the numbers and statistics supporting the rise. I will also show the difference in thyroid cancer cases in men and women and compare and contrast them.


Middle: This is where I will show the interview that I conducted with doctors at the Medical Center and ask him more in depth questions regarding to the rising number of cases. I will also speak to local resident who has or has had thyroid cancer in the past to ask them about their experience dealing with this condition.


End: This is where I will put ways you can reduce your risk of getting thyroid cancer and give a list of symptoms you should look out for if you believe that you are at risk for thyroid cancer.

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