Blog 4 Reflection Dynasty McGee

When I knew that our third project was on a hard news event I was a bit nervous because the only news that I had covered were the projects that I had done for the class. I didn’t know what event I would cover so it was perfect that the election came around when it did. I knew that I wanted to get the feelings of first time voters because I remember the impact that my first time had on me. I felt really empowered and I felt like just my vote alone would make a difference.

Dynasty McGee

Dynasty McGee

I was also really excited to get the opportunity to work with the SISU students. I met with them the day before and we agreed on covering first time voters as well as setting up a time and place to meet. Unfortunately, there was a conflict in our schedules and I received a text from the SISU students about 30 minutes before we agreed to meet. They weren’t able to meet with me and it left me without a partner. I remained calm and thought about what my next step would be. Thankfully my partner on the first two projects, Tariq was available and was able to film immediately.

We covered the first time voters at the HUB and we didn’t run into any problems. The students that we interviewed were well informed and were extremely friendly. They all agreed that voting was an important thing to do particularly for young people. The students all had really great SOT as well so it made it a bit easier to tell the story, this gave me a lot of great material to work with.

This project was good for me to work on. This was the first time that I had to come up with narration and edit the video completely on my own. It was challenging for me to find ways to be creative and not cliche. I also didn’t realize how much work goes into editing a video. Doing this project has given me a new found respect for the behind the scenes work that  people do and it also makes me feel good that I can accomplish these kind of editing things too.

I’m looking forward to our next project, I know what my weaknesses are and I am reading to correct and strengthen them.

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